People with demons will slowly push your limits over time to see what they can do to make you submit to their wills. People with a strong lust demon will push you sexually to see what you will let them do. At first they will try to talk to you to see if they can find out your interests and likes. Then over time they may try to do nice things for you to gain your trust. Then they will attempt to lightly touch you on your arms, back or hands and if you don’t resist they will know you are accepting them. Then later as your defenses break down they may try to hold your hand for a few seconds while talking about a subject you are interested in. If you allow that then later they may try to hug you. As long as you allow them to slowly shift the limits they will keep pushing for more over time to see what else you will allow them to do. Which can lead to kissing and eventually sexual interactions. This is called limit testing. Many women who have not felt love from their fathers will fall for it and allow men to do whatever they want but instead of feeling loved they get lust and hatred and taken advantage of from narcissistic / Jezebel men. Many good men who believe a woman is godly end up with a woman who is narcissistic / Jezebel and very controlling.
The same thing will happen in the workplace by trying to take advantage of your willingness to help and eventually leads to them controlling and manipulating you. Same thing at church – a person with Jezebel will try to force you to submit to them and the more you let them control your life the more they will take control. At first they may try to pray over you, and then little by little over time they will talk to you. Then talk more and more, and want to get together for coffee or lunch or dinner, and then begin to give you their advice to “help” you. Then several months into the relationship they are telling you that you must pray like they pray, fast when they fast, attend the same conferences they attend, go to every church service they attend, and if you don’t they will shame you. Then if you try to pull away they will tell many at church lies and gossip about you so that you will have no relationships without them.
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