Many grow up with a toxic dysfunctional family where a father or mother is a narcissist (Jezebel spirit) and their spouse is an Empath (Ahab spirit). The Empath allows the Narcissist to run the show because they get benefits of the Narc threatening others to give them what they want. Sadly when they have children they hurt them and cause future Narcissists and Empaths. In 1 and 2 Kings in the Bible Jezebel and Ahab birthed a daughter named Athaliah who was the golden child and became a Narcissistic Jezebel. Their sons Ahaziah and Jehoram became like their father and had the same Ahab spirit. This same family dynamic continues to happen today.
Often one of the children in a family has a good honest heart who wants to do right and sees the evil in the parents and will not just put their head in the sand and stay silent with their sinful evil behaviors. Of course the narcissistic parent hates that child because they won’t ignore their toxic sinful behavior and instead stands up to them and tells them where they are wrong and need to change. That child will then be treated as the blacksheep or scapegoat and blamed for everyone’s sins in the various family members lives who go along with them. It’s because they have a moral compass, a good heart, often a godly heart that desires truth, honesty, integrity and living righteously.
Then often one or more of the other children in the family who will support the toxic behaviors of their narcissistic parent and look the other way will become the golden child that can do no wrong in their eyes. They become entitled prideful people who often walk in the same narcissistic Jezebel spirit as one of their parents. This causes the scapegoat to feel extremely hurt as no one in their family loves them and they feel kicked out.
Jesus said in Matthew 10:34-38 that a man’s enemies will be those of his own household, a father against his son, mother against her daughter, etc – it’s because if you choose to obey Jesus but your family does not then they will hate you, blame you and shame you as their demons cannot stand the Jesus in you as they are the ones that cannot get along with Jesus. You will often have to disconnect from your ungodly family for your own health’s sake and it can feel very lonely. You must forgive all of your family from your heart but may need to go no contact with them so they can’t keep hurting you. To serve Jesus will often be a lonely road until you connect with others who are also choosing to live for Jesus. Your true family are those who are living for Jesus.
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Can a family have 2 narcissist parents and 2 golden children? My in laws are divorced and my husband and his older sister both adore their parents, who are divorced. Neither of them is an empath, both my in-laws are extremely adverse to emotion whatsoever.