Demons want you to complain as much as possible to as many who will let you. They want you to go on and on about how you have suffered and endured pain in your past because it brings joy to them that you are still feeling negatively affected and have not forgiven those who hurt you and let it go and stay in victim mode. Remember how much the Israelites complained when they were in the desert instead of having a heart of gratitude that they were no longer slaves? They could have walked into the Promised Land in a few days but because of their complaining God caused them to stay in the wilderness and then they all died (except for Joshua and Caleb) in the desert because He was tired of hearing them complain. Could your complaints be keeping you in the desert?
Have you ever been around a person who complains about everything? It often depresses you as you listen to them talk negatively about people who often have been out of their lives for years. Eventually it wears on you as it’s hard to stay positive anymore or try to encourage or lift them up. You feel like you have to be negative along with them and languish together in sympathy and pity. You often take on the “poor me” attitude that they have. Demons are happy because now you are both on their territory and you are both complaining about how you have been done wrong which keeps you in unforgiveness and allows demons to keep tormenting you according to Matthew 18:34-35. ““And his master was angry, and delivered him to the torturers until he should pay all that was due to him. “So My heavenly Father also will do to you if each of you, from his heart, does not forgive his brother his trespasses.””
I had a mentor for several years who would never let me speak any words of negativity. At the time I was being abused horribly for six years by my now ex-wife but I never told him anything of the abuse nor anyone else. What I learned from not complaining about my horrible circumstances was that God wanted me to forgive my abuser and come to Him and not go to others for my source of strength or support. I also learned that Satan wanted me to be tortured so much that I would want to complain to others about my circumstances but I refused to cooperate with him. It was not easy at all as my flesh wanted to get others to feel sorry for me and the abuse. Complaining stops our ability to truly forgive like Jesus said we are to do and allows demons to torment us. Long suffering is a fruit of the spirit.
Proverbs 18:21 NKJV
“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.”
Often your negative circumstances won’t change until you stop complaining. After I had finally broken free from my abuser the Lord used me to then help others to get healed and delivered and the fruit of the ministry has been tremendous around the world as we have helped tens of thousands of people to get healed from their hurts and abuse through forgiveness and deliverance from demons. God uses our greatest pain to become our strongest resource as we are anointed to help others overcome the very same pain. When we don’t complain about our pain and go to God directly we become stronger spiritually than if we lament to others. Become a victor and stop being a victim. David was attacked by Saul for over 7 years and then eventually became king of Israel. Joseph suffered in jail wrongfully for over three years and didn’t complain and then was promoted to number two in command in all of Egypt. Jesus forgave his abusers as he was dying on the cross then rose to life again and now reigns at the right hand of the Father.
Philippians 2:14-16 NKJV
“Do all things without complaining and disputing, that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast the word of life, so that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain or labored in vain.”
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Blessings in Christ Jesus! I am so happy that a friend put me on to your book. Freedom from Soul Wounds ! I am a Holy Ghost filled Christian that wasn’t happy , not feeling the joy that I knew I should have , but had no clue as to why ! I had gotten to the point that I was fixing to give up thinking I must have a demon because the voices in my head just wouldn’t stop ! I’m not free yet BUT , I am on my way an excited that I now have the keys and the right path ! I have devoured the book with pens and highlighters and going read now with a notebook to write down with my own hand from my own hand the golden nuggets from your book ! I thank you for listening to God and writing this book to those who just wanted know “why” !
You are welcome!