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Tag: children
Saturday, September 21 2024
HOW NARCISSISTS MANIPULATE CHILDREN Following are how narcissists manipulate their children: Assigned Roles: Each child is given a specific role. The more empathetic child often becomes the scapegoat, blamed for everything that is negative, and they usually have a moral compass Golden Child: One child often is treated like royalty, never disciplined, and groomed to become a future narcissist, believing they are special and loved. But this "love" is fake. Constant Supply: These children are manipulated to constantly meet the narcissist's needs, becoming a source of toxic energy. Distorted View of Love: Children learn to believe that "love" means being overly praised and then devalued. As adults, they often seek out narcissistic partners because they mistake this pattern for real love. Narcissists cannot love anyone so they control and manipulate them. They discourage independence, freedom and individuality. Foggy Reality: Narcissists create a confusing reality through fear, obligations, and guilt. Ask any child of a narcissist, and they'll tell you these tactics were a big part of their relationship Parental Alienation: Narcissists often alienate the children from the kind parent. This can create deep confusion and a lasting impact, as a parent struggling for years to overcome this. Role Reversal: Children…

Tuesday, January 9 2024
YOUR ACTIONS TODAY AFFECT YOUR CHILDREN & FUTURE GENERATIONS TOMORROW Written by Mindy Schuman As I was reflecting on some circumstances recently, the Lord reminded me how much each of our actions will affect and influence our children, grandchildren and future generations. We know that our actions can most importantly affect our fellowship with God, but how much do we consider that our actions can greatly affect those around us, specifically our children. Our children can be greatly influenced by how we live day to day, the level of humility we walk in before God and others, and how submitted and surrendered we are to God and his word. Scripture tells us to honor our parents so that it will go well with us (Exodus 20:12, Ephesians 6:1) and as parents we are also instructed not to provoke our children (Ephesians 6:4). I would contend also that, as parents, it will also go well for us if we are honorable towards our children, young and old in age. We honor our children by being submitted to God, by living a life where all the fruits of the spirit are in operation within our homes and by treating them with love…

Wednesday, March 28 2018
The Lord Wants To Restore Us To Enjoy Childlike Fun and Innocence
So many people have had the innocence of their childhood stolen by the enemy through a myriad of circumstances (lack of a father’s presence in the home, verbal / physical or sexual abuse, controlling mothers or fathers, sexually molested by a friend, family member or parent, loss of a parent). When a person grows up void of a healthy environment, the enemy is able to hurt them from the beginning and many go their entire lifetimes struggling to recover the innocence that was lost. Many struggle with healthy marital relationships, causing them to choose people who have demons who then torment them even more, causing divorces and having their own children to get hurt in the similar ways that they were harmed. There are few people in the world who know what it was like to grow up in an environment of unconditional love, joy and peace with healthy fun to enjoy a normal life. They never were able to laugh with their moms, dads and siblings as all they knew was arguing, strife and tainted love. They never were able to simply enjoy a walk in the park, bike riding on an adventure, swinging and playing with the true…