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SIGNS YOU ARE DEALING WITH A FAMILY GENERATIONAL CURSE I’ve helped thousands of Christians around the world to get their soul wounds healed and be delivered from demons and most of them struggled with the same issues that their parents and grandparents struggled with. In Deuteronomy chapter 28 it talks about blessings for obedience to the Bible and curses for disobedience.  Below are some of the most common family generational curses that I have seen in the people I have taken through sessions: Mental / Emotional issues Prone to accidents (drop things, break things, car accidents, falls) Addictions to alcohol / drugs / food / sex Chronic hereditary sicknesses (doctors cannot find any normal cause) Divorce and family breakdowns (children alienated from parents and siblings) Financial problems (long term poverty) Unnatural deaths / dying young / suicides  Female issues (barrenness / miscarriages / menstruation problems) We all need to be the generational curse breaker in our families. When we don’t do our part to forgive all who ever hurt us we will be tormented (Matt 18:21-35). When we walk in pride God is against us. Proverbs 16:5  "The LORD detests all the proud of heart. Be sure of this: They…


Restored to Freedom is a ministry that has seen thousands and thousands of people around the world who have been healed from their soul wounds and delivered from their demons.  We have seen many individual lives dramatically changed and improved and marriages that have been restored when both husband and wife have humbled themselves, owned their own issues, forgiven those throughout their lives who hurt them and were delivered from demons.  But God gave everyone a freewill to choose if they want to forgive people who hurt them or not.  God gave everyone a freewill to keep their pride or humble themselves.  So there are still going to be people who choose not to look in the mirror at themselves and instead point the finger at those they abuse and act like they are a victim when in reality they are the abuser.  So what do you do if the abuser never wants to admit the truth of their emotional abuse (or worse) or change and get delivered?   Two of the top questions that I am asked by those who have chosen to get their own soul wounds healed and delivered is what happens if someone I am married…

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