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Tag: wages of sin is death
Monday, December 5 2022
SIN SEPARATES US FROM GOD Sin is a huge issue with Christians in the church today. Most have little to no conviction for sinning and believe God’s gift of grace allows them to live like the world with no consequences in their daily walk or potentially costing them their salvation when they die. They believe they don’t need to be obedient to what is written in the Bible. More than half of all pastors look at porn every month. Jesus said when a man lusts after a woman in his heart that he has committed adultery with her in Matthew 5:27-28. Sin matters. Jesus said to the woman caught in adultery to “go and sin no more.” Many struggle with lust and sexual sin, while others struggle with pride, controlling others, witchcraft, gossiping, slander, anger, fear, bitterness, jealousy, drunkenness, and evil intentions in their hearts and minds. Even Wikipedia defines “Salvation” as the deliverance of the soul from sin and its consequences. People don’t want to believe that sin could cost them their salvation and that God would actually expect them to live in accordance with the Bible. Sadly most Christians don’t read the Bible for themselves and instead believe…