Ahab Spirit Emotional Healings Jezebel Spirit Leviathan Spirit Peaceful Living Physical Healings Repentance Spiritual Growth


HAVE YOU CONSIDERED THE HIGH COSTS OF NOT GETTING DELIVERED? It is amazing when you think about all the money that a person wastes when they have soul wounds and are not delivered from demons. When we get hurt and wounded growing up through our parents, relatives, neighbors, friends, etc we will hear demonic spirits whispering to us to drink, smoke, do drugs, overeat, have sex outside of marriage, try to look like a supermodel or play like a professional athlete and then spend lots of money on all these endeavors. We also have relationships and marriages with people who are unhealed and have demons which cost us more money spending it on frivolous things and enduring emotional abuse leading to additional costs. So have you considered the high costs of not getting delivered? When we are healed and delivered we are able to save money from all these expenses below: - No longer spend money on addictive things like alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana, vaping, huffing, cigars, drugs, food, sex - No longer need to spend on vanity / prideful things such as various expensive cosmetics, fillers, plastic surgery, hair treatments, expensive latest clothes fashion, supplements, etc - Not need to…


HOW TO STOP DEMONS FROM GIVING YOU INTRUSIVE THOUGHTS In 2005, the National Science Foundation published an article summarizing research on human thoughts per day. It was found that the average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Of those thousands of thoughts, 80% were negative, and 95% were exactly the same repetitive thoughts as the day before. We can see that one of the tendencies of the mind is to focus on the negative and ‘play the same songs’ over and over again. There was another interesting study (Leahy, 2005, Study of Cornell University), in which scientists found that, firstly 85% of what we worry about never happens. Secondly with the 15% of the worries that did happen, 79% of the subjects discovered that either they could handle the difficulty better than expected, or that the difficulty taught them a lesson worth learning. The conclusion is that 97% of our worries are baseless and result from an unfounded pessimistic perception. Demons speak to Christians and non Christians alike every day giving them hundreds and thousands of thoughts to cause them to have fear, anxiety, anger, lust, bitterness, depression, suicidal thoughts. Demons say things to our minds like:…


BE VERY CAREFUL WHOSE COUNSEL YOU RECEIVE There are about 30,000 pastors and over 120,000 licensed professional counselors, over 80,000 psychologists and over 30,000 psychiatrists in America who have people come to them for advice with which to handle issues in their own personal lives and relationships. Over the past year at Restored to Freedom, we have seen more and more people coming to us who have shared that they were given counsel from their pastors, counselors as well as other professionals that was actually unwise and hurt them as much of the counsel came from the person and not from the Lord or Holy Spirit. Many times the counsel given to them were from well-meaning pastors or counselors who had no understanding how demonic spirits cause people to behave which cause emotionally harmed people more harm by their aggressive / abusive spouses or controlling / abusive parents. Many times the advice was coming from a place of inexperience on the part of the pastor / counselor or sadly through similar demonic tainted like-minded spirits that were similar to the abusive spouse or parent. If they are Christian they often take scriptures talking about how “God hates divorce” in Malachi…


DEMONS TRY TO OPERATE UNDETECTABLY WITHIN YOU The goal of demons is to operate within a person so that they don’t know it. They hurt us by giving us thoughts in our minds to cause us to make decisions that are bad for us. They will tell you things like “You should look at porn because you will feel amazing when you masturbate,” “Look at that woman at the gym - isn’t she hot? I bet she would have sex with you better than your wife,” and if you are driving your car they will say “Drive your car into that tree ahead and all your pain will be over.” If you were hurt by your father they will tell you “All men are mean, selfish and evil and you need to pay them back for the pain your dad gave you!” and “You cannot trust God to protect you.” Demons will suggest that you should eat more food then you should to cause you to feel better, to drink alcohol, to smoke marijuana, to steal money, to gossip, to lie, etc in order to hurt you and others. They are like a puppet master trying to control you covertly…


HOW EFFECTIVE IS YOUR CHURCH’S DELIVERANCE MINISTRY? Not every church who offers deliverance is run by a person who is delivered themselves. Often you will see those who are prideful try to take charge of it. Sometimes you will see people who are into witchcraft who will try to run it and then hurt people more. And often you will see people who don’t understand how deliverance works thinking you have to yell and scream the demons out of people, or thinking they have to vomit to be delivered or trying to override people’s freewills and not addressing the need to get their soul wounds healed and forgiving those who hurt them and repenting for their pride and sin. A true godly deliverance ministry will always have the person in charge of it living a godly lifestyle of sexual purity, fruit of the spirit and have much humility like Christ. If you attend a church whose leadership don’t believe a Christian can be affected by demons and don’t need deliverance you need to run! They are wrong, unbiblical and will lead you away from what Jesus did and allow sin to stay in your life and excuse it instead of…


NOT EVERY MARRIAGE WAS ORDAINED BY GOD Think about it.  Most marriages happen when a young man and woman are first physically attracted to one another.  Then they date for a period of time to see if they are compatible with one another.  If one person is very controlling, lies, cheats on them, emotionally abuses or worse, or has no godly fruit while the other person wants to live for God then often times they don’t follow through with the wedding.  Often times one of the parties says they are a Christian, acts nice to them as much as they are able to muster during the dating process but ultimately has no intention in their heart of living a godly lifestyle and simply wants their future spouse to provide for their financial or physical needs, give them sex when they want it,  yet will treat them like a slave with consistent emotional abuse, putting them down with a cutting tongue and possibly worse during the marriage.  Does that sound like a potential marriage ordained by God? Of course not.  Yet millions of marriages are consummated under false pretense. So what happens if you had every intention of serving God in…


HOW MANY OF YOUR THOUGHTS ARE FROM DEMONS? We get our thoughts from three places. Ourselves, the Lord or Holy Spirit and demons. In 2005, the National Science Foundation published an article summarizing research on human thoughts per day. It was found that the average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Of those thousands of thoughts, 80% were negative, and 95% were exactly the same repetitive thoughts as the day before. So if you hear a lot of thoughts that cause you to be angry, fearful, anxious, jealous, bitter, behave sexually perverse, condemn you, depressed, suicidal then you can count on them being from demons. Demons will give you thoughts like “Just drive your car into those trees and your problems will be over”, “Your husband (or wife) are all your problems and if they would only agree with you then you would be fine,” and “All your decisions are the best so don’t listen to your husband (or wife) and make sure everyone does what you decide.” Demons will cause people who were hurt by a parent or sexually violated to feel like they are still a victim as an adult and when they trigger on…


THE IMPORTANCE OF MARRYING A DELIVERED BELIEVER It is common for couples to date for several months to a year and then within 3 weeks of getting married one of them changes dramatically. One of them becomes very controlling, jealous of others, demanding, prideful and sneaks around behaving in ways they don’t want their spouse to know what they are doing. It’s like the spouse’s personality changed once they had you committed to marriage. So what happened? What happened was the spouse who dramatically changed to the worse had an alternate personality which they hid until they officially had you committed to marriage to them. They had prior soul wounds from childhood which were never healed that allowed demons to attach to them giving them many thoughts to which they trigger if you look or sound like a person or situation from their past that hurt them. The spouse could be Spirit filled and pray in tongues and prophesy but if they still have not forgiven all who hurt them from their hearts and asked God to take their pride from them and repented for their sin and got delivered from the demons that attached to their soul then they…


PASTORS & CHURCHES WHO DON’T DO DELIVERANCE ALLOW SATAN FREE REIGN When a person attends a church whose pastors don’t believe in the need of deliverance for their people the only recourse they have for their tormenting daily thoughts is to go to a doctor, psychologist or psychiatrist who will only prescribe medications and never help them get delivered from their tormenting demons. And many of the medications will have side effects such as depression and suicidal thoughts. So sadly many churches are being used by Satan to keep their people in torment and bondage and never allowing them to break free through inner healing and deliverance from demons. Many couples who are struggling in their marriage will typically have one person who is more controlling, demanding, emotionally abusive and prideful who is operating in the spirit of Jezebel (or would be called a narcissist by the psychological community) who will act like they are godly in front of the church leaders while lying about their abused spouse. The abused spouse will try to speak the truth to the pastor or other counselors but often the abuser will paint a picture of lies that the counselor or pastor agree with…


It is not a popular message to confront people for their sin because it causes them to feel convicted but ultimately if it makes a difference whether they go to heaven or hell then they should be told the truth.  Sadly many pastors have watered down their messages so people will not leave their church and take their tithes with them. They don’t talk about the need for people to be set free from sin and living a godly life in obedience to the Bible. What does true salvation actually require?  Interesting if you Google salvation you will see this in Wikipedia: Salvation (from Latin: salvatio, from salva, 'safe, saved') is the state of being saved or protected from harm or a dire situation. In religion and theology, salvation generally refers to the deliverance of the soul from sin and its consequences. The academic study of salvation is called soteriology.   So salvation means the deliverance of our souls (mind, will and emotions) from sin and its associated consequences.   So for those pastors who preach that we can just ask Jesus into our hearts with no fruit similar to Jesus as evidence and keep on practicing sin and still get to heaven - what does the Bible actually say? Romans 6:15-23 NKJV From Slaves…

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