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Tag: President Trump
Sunday, August 16 2020
The enemy is planning to make our lives more miserable in the months of September and October as the election nears in the United States. More people are having dreams and seeing visions of tougher times coming upon us as the enemy knows this is a life or death situation for those who are doing pure evil if President Trump gets re-elected. Trump is not tolerating those who have done horrible things to children and humans in general and plans to bring justice to them (pedophilia, sex trafficking, abortion, murdering children and over 2,000 children per day are going missing) as well as those who are financially and politically corrupt (George Soros, the Clintons, Obamas, Bill Gates, Hollywood elites, etc.). That is what this whole Plandemic has been all about. To incite fear through a virus that is much like the flu in order to shut down the economy and attempt to allow voter fraud through mail-in votes so the Democrats can try to steal the election from Trump. Then the most evil people in the world can move all of us into their New World Order Socialist government regime controlled by people who have the most evil intentions, trying…

Saturday, July 4 2020
Ready or not – it’s time – evil is upon us and God’s people need to step it up and start confronting in boldness, truth and love – no matter how angry people might get and how much spiritual backlash we receive from the enemy. Too many people for too long have simply given the reins over to ungodly people to control. Those who threw the biggest fits in order to get their way usually had others give in to them in order to try to shorten their temper tantrums and keep the peace. Unfortunately God's people allowed the enemy to take over our government, schools, churches, Hollywood, health care and most every other organization over the recent years. So to reverse all the evil that has been going on for way too long it will require God’s people to stand up to people operating with evil demons to reverse many years of perverseness and corrupt tolerance of living. The spirit of Jezebel causes people who have been hurt in their pasts growing up to desire to control, manipulate and dominate other gentler people, especially in the church. They have a lot of pride and know if they just raise…

Thursday, April 4 2019
The Lord is raising up His remnant to reverse the curse of the enemy
There is a spiritual tsunami purification wave that is working its way across America right now. It started when former business mogul Donald Trump was elected president of the United States. President Trump could not be bought by the Republicans or Democrats and like King Cyrus – was used to do the right thing for the country. He changed. You see - many remember who he used to be (brass, selfish, women issues, pro-abortion, ungodly, greed, etc) but then something happened once he got elected. He changed. He found Jesus as he now has many godly spiritual advisors who are Holy Spirit filled. His Vice President Mike Pence is a very godly and honorable man from Indiana who I once was able to talk to when he hosted a radio show call in program in Indianapolis on WIBC (we talked about the benefits of raising the state wide speed limit - which was done). Now Trump is making changes in the government that needed to be made for a long time. He is cleaning the swamp that had been infested for a long time by people who had evil intentions all in the name of power and money. He is exposing the corruption in government, the lies from the…