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Tag: godliness
Monday, July 20 2020
It’s not easy obeying God when He wants you to do something opposite of man or the rest of the world - but isn’t that how it’s always been in the Bible. Paul did say that Christians would be persecuted for standing up for the Lord. It’s especially not easy when you could be mocked or lose your job, church, retirement income, and possibly even your life for taking a stand for Christ. Remember all the wrath that Noah took from everyone for years! Nehemiah built a wall with men lying about him to try and stop him from completing it and threatening him with those in government. Elijah having a showdown against his government of King Ahab and Jezebel and then having the fire from heaven come down on his altar and then killing all of the Baal and Ashtoreth prophets of Jezebel and then having her threaten to kill Elijah. Proverbs 29:25 NKJV 25 The fear of man brings a snare, But whoever trusts in the Lord shall be safe. Recently several bold pastors around America have been taking stands against their state governors who have been trying to force them to stop having church services (blaming the pandemic using…

Sunday, January 12 2020
2020 is the Year to Pursue Righteousness
In prayer today the Lord showed me the state of the church around the world and how so many have been playing church without true repentance for their sin. They have walked in pride and arrogance coming against those who are godly because they are able to speak louder and make threats if anyone dares comes against them. The spirits of Jezebel and Leviathan have infected many of those in the church at all different levels. Jezebel wants to pursue leadership so they can control other people and come against the true Holy Spirit and shut down the Lord in people’s lives. So many are sexually impure, controlling, manipulative, prideful (Leviathan – Job 41), lie and come against their own godly spouses trying to stop them from doing the work of the Lord, coming against those who are in godly ministries operating for the Lord, wanting to promote themselves, take money from people who are hurting and use them, and they have impure motives in their own hearts. God said He is going to expose those who have ungodly minds and impure hearts like never before. He has given them time to repent and they are thumbing their noses at…