Ahab Spirit Emotional Healings Jezebel Spirit Leviathan Spirit Peaceful Living Physical Healings Repentance Spiritual Growth


SIN SEPARATES US FROM GOD Sin is a huge issue with Christians in the church today. Most have little to no conviction for sinning and believe God’s gift of grace allows them to live like the world with no consequences in their daily walk or potentially costing them their salvation when they die. They believe they don’t need to be obedient to what is written in the Bible. More than half of all pastors look at porn every month. Jesus said when a man lusts after a woman in his heart that he has committed adultery with her in Matthew 5:27-28. Sin matters. Jesus said to the woman caught in adultery to “go and sin no more.” Many struggle with lust and sexual sin, while others struggle with pride, controlling others, witchcraft, gossiping, slander, anger, fear, bitterness, jealousy, drunkenness, and evil intentions in their hearts and minds. Even Wikipedia defines “Salvation” as the deliverance of the soul from sin and its consequences. People don’t want to believe that sin could cost them their salvation and that God would actually expect them to live in accordance with the Bible. Sadly most Christians don’t read the Bible for themselves and instead believe…


THE LORD IS CAUSING SPIRITUAL EARTHQUAKES TO CLEANSE HIS CHURCH The church has been infiltrated by people who have risen to positions of leadership including pastors, prophets, teachers, intercessors, deliverance ministers, worship leaders, security, etc. who have been living fake lives trying to impersonate a Christian when in reality they are living in violation of the Bible. They have been living lives in much sin, sexual impurity, pride, lies, deception, gossip, controlling others, listening to demonic spirits, etc. God has given them much time to repent but they have refused and continue to live in their evilness, sexual impurity, corruption and sin, hurting people worse who were already wounded. So the Lord has been forced to expose their pride, sin and lies and is now separating many in His church who have wanted to live a godly life away from those who are still living in sin. God is causing people to leave unhealthy churches whose leadership is leading people to stay in their sin with their hyper-grace messages. God is shutting down many churches (churches are closing in record numbers) whose leadership compromised their own lives and turned a blind eye to others living in sin, emotionally abused their…


THE COMING EXPOSURE OF TRUTH & CONSEQUENCES The Lord is a very patient God who has given people grace to live sinful and unrighteous lives in rebellion to His word for many, many years.   Unfortunately living those types of lives ultimately lead to death and hell.  God wants no one to go to hell but sadly many are due to their freewill choice to serve the world and not obeying God and pursuing to live a godly life unto the Lord.  It is not easy to resist our fleshly desires to look lustfully upon women and men, regularly watch pornography, dressing in an impure, sexualized way to draw others eyes to lustfully look upon you, having sex outside of marriage, lie, cheat, gossip, steal, walk in pride, false humility, rebelling against God.  Sadly so many people who attend church regularly are living very sinful and perverted lives.  Even those in leadership at churches – not to mention those in the world outside the church. It is time to pursue living a pure, righteous and humble life unto the Lord instead of living a life to serve our own selfish pride and fleshly desires.  God has given us a freewill to…


There are many ways that Christians tolerate sin in their lives.  Most struggle due to being hurt growing up – a parent, step-parent, other relative, sibling, neighbors, kids at school, teachers, church people, etc.   When we are hurt emotionally, verbally, physically or sexually we will hear demonic voices in our heads telling us not to trust anyone, having thoughts of anger or bitterness for those who hurt us, wanting to get back at people, being sad for all the injustices. Thus forgiveness is imperative in order to take away the legal rights of the demons so you can command them to go from you so you can have more peaceful thoughts and fruit of the spirit. Have you ever thought through some of the ways that Satan causes you to tolerate sin? #1 – Bullying. If you have a relationship with someone who historically gets angry or will go on and on arguing with you if you don’t give them what they want (and their desires are for things that are not what the Lord would want you to allow them to do or get) then you will usually give in to them and let them have what they want. …


I am seeing more and more pastors, ministries and church people every week who are talking about the need for inner healing and deliverance from demons. It is exciting to see that people are finally waking up to realize that to enjoy peace in their minds and health in their bodies requires that they come out of agreement with the demons tormenting their minds and bodies. When we give demons legal rights through unforgiveness, pride and sin (and others in our blood lines can curse us through their own statements and willing actions) then we will never enjoy peace and joy no matter how much Christian music that we listen to, how much we fast, pray in tongues or prophesy. In fact we may not even make it into heaven unless we get delivered from the demons tormenting us so that we can actually have some good fruit: Matthew 7:21-23 I Never Knew You 21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out…


The enemy knows that both men and women have a desire to be loved emotionally but also have sexual desires that when not kept between husband and wife in the context of marriage can have devastating effects on people and especially ministries.  Therefore we must all be vigilant to live a life that is holy and righteous before the Lord or else the enemy will use our sin against us to come against our ministry and cause people to become disillusioned, angry and to look upon us as hypocrites.  Sexual sin is one of the main devices that the enemy uses to come against godly people (the other device is financial corruption) as it causes guilt and shame between the two people who committed it, confusion and anger for those who have relationships with the two people and anger and desertion for those who were following them whether in ministry or distant relationships. So now more than ever we must live a consecrated life of righteousness and be sexually pure as Satan wants to bring down anyone and everyone whether you are in ministry or calling yourself a Christian.  The Lord has shown me and others in ministry to be…


Ready or not – it’s time – evil is upon us and God’s people need to step it up and start confronting in boldness, truth and love – no matter how angry people might get and how much spiritual backlash we receive from the enemy.  Too many people for too long have simply given the reins over to ungodly people to control.  Those who threw the biggest fits in order to get their way usually had others give in to them in order to try to shorten their temper tantrums and keep the peace.  Unfortunately God's people allowed the enemy to take over our government, schools, churches, Hollywood, health care and most every other organization over the recent years.  So to reverse all the evil that has been going on for way too long it will require God’s people to stand up to people operating with evil demons to reverse many years of perverseness and corrupt tolerance of living. The spirit of Jezebel causes people who have been hurt in their pasts growing up to desire to control, manipulate and dominate other gentler people, especially in the church.  They have a lot of pride and know if they just raise…

2020 is the Year to Pursue Righteousness

In prayer today the Lord showed me the state of the church around the world and how so many have been playing church without true repentance for their sin. They have walked in pride and arrogance coming against those who are godly because they are able to speak louder and make threats if anyone dares comes against them. The spirits of Jezebel and Leviathan have infected many of those in the church at all different levels. Jezebel wants to pursue leadership so they can control other people and come against the true Holy Spirit and shut down the Lord in people’s lives. So many are sexually impure, controlling, manipulative, prideful (Leviathan – Job 41), lie and come against their own godly spouses trying to stop them from doing the work of the Lord, coming against those who are in godly ministries operating for the Lord, wanting to promote themselves, take money from people who are hurting and use them, and they have impure motives in their own hearts. God said He is going to expose those who have ungodly minds and impure hearts like never before. He has given them time to repent and they are thumbing their noses at…

The Lord Wants His People to Stand Up for Righteousness

The state of the church has compromised on the Lord’s high value of righteousness, purity and humility. We have truly bowed down to the spirit of Jezebel / Leviathan and tolerate people who complain and yell the loudest and take offense to get their way and tell us what to do.  The pastors have caved in on messages to challenge their people to a life of godliness by giving them feel good messages of hyper-grace so they won’t get offended and walk out their doors and take their tithes with them. The Ahabs are afraid of standing up for God and instead tolerate Jezebel to control their every moves. Pastors are afraid of men and women instead of fearing God.  They have watered down their messages to make everyone feel good, accepting homosexuality, abortion and sex trafficking instead of speaking messages from the Lord of righteousness. They have prophets speak feel good words over their people instead of telling them to get delivered from the demons that they have allowed to enter their minds and to repent and humble themselves.  They have allowed witches and warlocks to operate in their churches instead of confronting them in love and getting them delivered.  They would rather have productions…

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