Ahab Spirit Emotional Healings Jezebel Spirit Leviathan Spirit Peaceful Living Physical Healings Repentance Spiritual Growth


THE SPIRIT OF LEGION CAUSES THESE SYMPTOMS IN YOUR LIFE Many who have been hurt deeply as a child growing up will suffer with demonic influence from the spirit of Legion.  Below are some of the characteristics you will have in your life if Legion is affecting you: Discouragement & hopelessness  Significant negative chatter in your mind from demons consistently every day - over 12,000 thoughts a day of which most are negative  Condemning thoughts that remind you of your mistakes and bad decisions in your past over and over Struggling with self harm (can be cutting yourself) Suicidal thoughts from demons trying to get you to end your life Demonic physical strength Schizophrenia & Bipolar Flu Viruses Diseases & infections Vertigo During Jesus’ days on earth the Romans referred to 6,000 foot soldiers as a Legion. So it is assumed that approximately 6,000 demons comprise Legion.   Mark 5:1-13 NKJV “Then they came to the other side of the sea, to the country of the Gadarenes. And when He had come out of the boat, immediately there met Him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit, who had his dwelling among the tombs; and no one…


CAN DEMONS ATTACH TO BABIES IN THE WOMB? Yes. Babies are attached to the mother through the umbilical cord. Demons that are tormenting the mother will also have legal rights to attach to the child in the womb and as it grows up: Fear - If the mother has a lot of fear due to the father of her child fighting and striving with her while pregnant or at the birth then spirits of fear will be able to attach to the baby. I worked with a mother who brought her 13 year old son to me and said he had fear his entire life. I asked her what happened when he was birthed. She said she had to get an emergency C section as the doctor said she could die trying to birth him the usual way. So she got in extreme fear. That spirit of fear then attached to her son. So I commanded the spirits of fear to leave and he was set free.  Rejection - If the mother regretted being pregnant with the baby or the father didn’t want the baby or the parents considered abortion then it will receive a spirit of rejection and will…

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