Ahab Spirit Emotional Healings Jezebel Spirit Leviathan Spirit Peaceful Living Physical Healings Repentance Spiritual Growth


BEWARE OF HELPING THESE TYPES OF PEOPLE Most Christians are taught that we need to help other people. While that is true, sometimes helping others will cause you to feel drained, exhausted, unappreciated, and even taken advantage of. The Bible teaches us the importance of discernment when offering assistance. Proverbs 19:19 says “A man of great wrath will suffer punishment; For if you rescue him, you will have to do it again.” ‭‭ This reminds us that sometimes, our help can unintentionally enable harmful behaviors or keep people stuck in a cycle of dependency. By setting healthy boundaries and understanding when your help is being exploited, you can protect your peace and focus on helping those who are truly ready for change. The 7 types of people that we should not help are: 1. The Perpetual Victim (they crave attention and always blame others and their stories are filled with exaggerated problems, they continue to wallow in their problems and expect others to fix their issues for them) 2. The Know It All (they think they have all the answers and dismiss others, they dominate conversations, ignore the opinions of others and believe their way is the only way) 3.…


GUILTING PEOPLE IS A FORM OF WITCHCRAFT  When people try to make you do what they want which is not what God wants they will often resort to making you feel guilty to control and manipulate you into doing their will. God never controls us through guilt as He gives us a freewill to choose.  People who try to control others to do what they want often cause others to be hurt and it benefits those who control. They are behaving in rebellion to God and the Bible says rebellion is as witchcraft in 1 Samuel 15:23.  So whoever tries to make you feel guilty understand they are not of the Lord and do not submit to them - have nothing to do with them. Do not allow them to manipulate you by guilting you to do what they want. The Lord and Holy Spirit never causes us to feel guilty - they convict us lovingly if we need to repent or change.  People who try to control or guilt you are operating in a subtle form of witchcraft which the Bible also refers to as sorcery - which is a work of the flesh listed in the Bible.  Galatians…

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