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Tag: godly
Tuesday, June 18 2024
YOU DON’T HAVE MANY FRIENDS BECAUSE YOU LIVE CONSECRATED Most people are not living a godly consecrated life so often tolerate living in unrepentant sin and have many friends who are also living ungodly lives. Many of these people complain how they were victims of life, angry and selfish, tolerating gossip, sexually impure, addicted to unhealthy food, alcohol, etc. And they make fun of you because you don’t have many friends. Saying you just can’t get along with people when in reality it’s because you won’t live a compromised life of sin. When you truly choose to live for Jesus you pursue consecrating your life to what Jesus talked about in the Bible and then you become more like Christ. You repent and change from living in your flesh and sin becomes rare in your life. Therefore your circle of friends will become smaller. You forgive everyone who hurt you, repent for pride and sin, command demons out of you and walk in the fruit of the spirit. You change from living a very sinful life full of the flesh to making sin rare and living in the fruit of the spirit. So then there are less people in the…

Monday, April 12 2021
Sadly most people in the church don’t hear messages anymore about pursuing a life of righteous living. They hear messages of hyper grace which tell them that they will never be able to live a godly life so they might as well continue to choose to sin and just ask the Lord to forgive them (and some have gone as far as saying they don’t have to ask for forgiveness anymore!). Unfortunately this is causing people to have a lackadaisical attitude about pursuing a life of righteousness, purity and Christlike behavior which is playing into Satan’s hands. Most pastors never talk about Matthew 7:21-23 because they are afraid of offending their tithers and losing money from their regular attenders and they look the other way if they have a talented worship leader, intercessor or church leader that they know are living an ungodly sinful life. Unfortunately many of their church attenders are not on their way to heaven should they die and sadly they don’t even realize it because they don't want to preach the whole Bible. They would prefer to speak about nice messages that never offend anyone. Matthew 7:21-23 NJKV I Never Knew You 21 “Not everyone who…

Wednesday, September 4 2019
Character Matters
Growing up in Indiana in the church (initially in a Church of God, then Presbyterian, then charismatic and Assembly of God, then non-denominational) I was taught by the various pastors that “Christians cannot have demons.” But in my experiences in life I witnessed first-hand behaviors in my own life and others who demonstrated traits that did not seem very godly at best and often indicate the presence of demonic influence at worst. Why would people who attended church regularly say and do things to hurt other people? Why did half of marriages of people in the church end in divorce? Why would pastors and others in ministry have affairs? Why were many men looking at pornography regularly? Why were many women and men extremely controlling, manipulative, prideful, arrogant, angry, jealous, deceitful and the fruit of their lives stink? They did not behave in any way like Christ! They could act nice to people at church but then behind closed doors they were emotionally abusive to their spouses and children? The Lord had me go through an experience in my life with a woman (my wife) who was extremely abusive to me for six years and told me I could not…