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Tag: character
Thursday, October 26 2023
ARE YOU ALLOWING THE APPEARANCE OF OTHERS DECEIVE YOU? Written by Mindy Schuman Many times in scripture, Jesus emphasized that holiness and righteousness extends far beyond someone’s outward appearance, beyond their background, beyond even their nationality and gender. So many times Christians assume that those who appear to look and act outwardly holy are in fact living a sanctified and holy life before God and teaching in truth. Unfortunately, many times Christians whose outward appearance seems to convey this outward holiness are in fact unrighteousness and self indulgent (Matthew 23:27) on the inside according to scripture. This is why it’s so important to discern for yourself, with the help of Holy Spirit, to guard your heart with these types of Christians. While it’s true that our inward state of being should reflect on the outside, we can be easily fooled by those with intentions that are not pure and who do not have God’s heart even though they would like others to believe they do. Let’s look at the following scripture: Matthew 21:28-32 A man had two sons. And he went to the first and said, ‘Son, go and work in the vineyard today.’ And he answered, ‘I will not,’…

Wednesday, September 4 2019
Character Matters
Growing up in Indiana in the church (initially in a Church of God, then Presbyterian, then charismatic and Assembly of God, then non-denominational) I was taught by the various pastors that “Christians cannot have demons.” But in my experiences in life I witnessed first-hand behaviors in my own life and others who demonstrated traits that did not seem very godly at best and often indicate the presence of demonic influence at worst. Why would people who attended church regularly say and do things to hurt other people? Why did half of marriages of people in the church end in divorce? Why would pastors and others in ministry have affairs? Why were many men looking at pornography regularly? Why were many women and men extremely controlling, manipulative, prideful, arrogant, angry, jealous, deceitful and the fruit of their lives stink? They did not behave in any way like Christ! They could act nice to people at church but then behind closed doors they were emotionally abusive to their spouses and children? The Lord had me go through an experience in my life with a woman (my wife) who was extremely abusive to me for six years and told me I could not…