Ahab Spirit Emotional Healings Jezebel Spirit Leviathan Spirit Peaceful Living Physical Healings Repentance Spiritual Growth

Who Do You Trust More – Yourself or God?

When you grew up as a child were you raised by two loving parents who protected you from those in the world who wanted to hurt you?  Did you feel loved unconditionally? Were you spoken to gently, encouraged, and cared for in ways that made you feel safe? Or were you hurt by a parent, step-parent or sexually violated causing you to feel like you could not trust those in authority over you?  For most people in the world the trust that developed in them with their parents was shaken as the enemy caused their parents or others to harm them through words, actions and trauma which caused them to not feel safe or protected. When a child grows up not being able to trust their own parents who were supposed to protect and love them without conditions - their ability to trust God is impacted dramatically.  They have thoughts in their minds telling them that they cannot trust their mom or dad.  That they are not loved.  That they cannot trust anyone because if their parents let them down, how can anyone else be trusted to protect and love them. The enemy tells them lies that they buy into…

How to be emotionally healed from trauma from your past

When a person is hurt emotionally through others taking advantage of them in various ways, the enemy will speak to them to take offenses of the injustice which then harbors the power of unforgiveness used by the enemy to cause continued bitterness and ultimately physical and emotional bondage.  Therefore there are so many people today who are walking around with wounds from their past who are stuck and cannot move forward into all the freedom the Lord has for them based upon the level of abuse and trauma suffered through other people. Some people are hurt through their father and / or mother who treated them badly, rejecting them, controlling them, abusing them in every way imaginable.  Some people are hurt through their spouses treating them with control, manipulation, sexual selfishness, lying, cheating, etc and then not apologizing to them for the abuse.  So with all the hurt and pain that a person receives, how can they move past their past onto their future that the Lord wants to take them into?  Because the Lord wants to use their pain for His gain in helping other people to be set free.  The Lord wants to anoint their lives in powerful…

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