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Tag: single
Friday, October 20 2017
Living a peaceful life in relationships
Most people desire to live a life that is free from strife and arguments. If you are married to someone who consistently speaks hurtful words, controls you through making you do what they want or else they make your life miserable, or continually strives with you, then it is very hard to enjoy your life. Some people have gone through divorces and are single yet they become lonely and then settle on marrying someone so they can have someone to talk to and share their lives with but then later they contend with strife similarly to their previous spouse and are more miserable then when they were single. So it seems like it is a lose-lose situation in the world of marriage and relationships for more than 75% of the people in the world. Unfortunately, the enemy is behind the majority of strife in relationships as he causes people to hear his voice and then they act upon it or speak out what they are hearing and never realize it. When a child is hurt by their parents through rejection, control, criticism, sarcasm, or worse – then they begin to hear the enemy speak to them in their minds and…

Tuesday, August 1 2017
Stop looking for your mate to complete you and start looking to God
There are so many people in the world who have put their own lives in the hands of their mate to complete them and are missing Christ's mark by a wide margin. The Lord is calling his men and women to come up to a higher standard of purity, righteousness and walking as a mighty man or woman of valor and to stop lowering their standards to that of their ungodly spouse or future spouse. God is waking up His people to realize that if you put your faith in a man or woman whose lives are not as they should be, in order to keep you from feeling lonely, then you have already missed the mark. We should be living a life pleasing to God in all ways, freed from any demons that have a right to torment us, and then we will be healthy to either pick a mate who is also healthy, or if we are already married - to live in obedience to Christ completely. There are so many single people who are compromising their values, respect and honor, in order to be in relationship with another person. Unfortunately these "other persons" many times are not…