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Tag: love
Wednesday, July 8 2020
Today’s world tells us that we need to be bold, loud and aggressive and to demand our own way to make people give us what we want. That the weak will not survive and to get what you need you have to yell and throw tantrums to get people to fear you and bow down to your every request. To manipulate others to give you everything you want. To seduce them to getting them to give you what you desire. I see it in the church where people try to put guilt trips on those who have mercy hearts in order to get them to serve or give money. A spiritually meek person is not selfish or concerned with getting their own ways, ideas and desires. They are willing to put themselves in second place or last place and submit themselves to do God’s will and help others achieve what is best for them. They would rather help another person or group of people to succeed and lay their own life desires down for them. They do not need any spotlight or attention from thousands on social media to tell them how great they are or how beautiful they look…

Thursday, July 2 2020
Truth be told – if everyone was truly honest – they would tell you that they just really want to be loved by someone without condition. The challenge in life is finding someone who is able to do just that. So many people have been hurt by their father or mother (or step parent or have had sexual violations) and have not had their past soul wounds healed and demons delivered from tormenting their thoughts so will trigger on their loved ones constantly as they are not able to love unconditionally. Usually the more gentle-spirited people end up drawing to those who struggle more with behaving controlling, manipulative and being more harsh and prideful (called the spirit of Jezebel). So they get used and abused in their relationships and never know what it is like to have peace with someone who actually loves and cares for them. Then those who have more of the effects of the spirit of Jezebel (Narcissist) will blame their own bad behavior (which ruins their own relationships) on their victims and hurt them even deeper and many of their victims never recover. Their victims loved them as much as anyone could but it is never…

Tuesday, June 30 2020
So many people in the world have been hurt when growing up and then later in life. We can be hurt many different ways, from one or both of our parents or step-parents, siblings, relatives, friends, people who have rejected you in relationships, teachers, ministry people, your fellow workers, sexual violations, etc. What happens when someone hurts us (emotionally, physically or sexually)? If you were younger when it occurred (perhaps your parents divorced, one parent was more verbally abusive to you or worse, a neighbor, etc.) you are not able to cope and understand so what usually happens is your soul (mind, will & emotions) has a piece that becomes an alternate personality which holds the toxic emotion or pain so your core person can continue to function. Then whenever something triggers that wound in you then your alternate personality comes up in your and you behave in an erratic way (anger, fear, rejection, jealousy, etc.) You are hearing demonic voices at that time which causes you to manifest in a different personality. So as we get hurt a lot when growing up we often manifest with negative personalities throughout our lifetime and have relationships that never have peace or…

Monday, June 22 2020
Unfortunately most people in the world have an inaccurate viewpoint of God and how much He loves them and they also do not have a healthy godly fear and respect for Him. There are not many churches who preach a balanced message on both as most either preach an ALL love and no fear of God message, or an ALL fear and no love from God. Most people will say that God loves them but are conflicted as what love actually is based upon how their own father or mother treated them when growing up and what the church taught them. If a child was not loved unconditionally from their own father or mother then it becomes very challenging to believe that God really loves them unconditionally and not based on their performance - but just because He is love. Many children were actually hurt deeply by their own dad or mom growing up because of their parent’s own wounds when they were growing up. When a child gets wounded growing up the enemy begins to torment them in their own minds with voices that cause them to have fear, anger, sexual impurity, pride, control issues, and many other challenges. …

Thursday, June 18 2020
Since I transitioned into ministry in 2015 I have seen many people in the church who believe incorrectly that to be a loving godly person that we should try to appease everyone and say yes to most everyone’s requests so as not to offend anyone (which often turn to demands if the person doesn’t get what they want). Many churches have unfortunately bowed down to the squeaky wheel individuals who make the biggest stink if they don’t get their way in order to try to keep them happy (especially if they are larger tithers). The people who create the most havoc and get angry when they don’t get their way are usually operating from unhealed soul wounds which allow demons to control their thoughts. The spirit of Jezebel speaks to people who have been hurt deeply in their pasts and tells them to position themselves into positions of authority within the church so they can control as many people as possible and come against the true Holy Spirit and hurt the hurting people more. I have seen many churches where the people who are the most controlling and demanding are used to getting their way because of their bullying…

Tuesday, June 2 2020
The symbolism of my 3-hour Denver hike with the bull snake, 3 fish and the prairie dogs
So last night I returned to Denver from tending to the funeral of my oldest brother Keith from Indiana. I love to go for runs, walks and hikes and the weather was perfect in Denver this morning for a long run, walk and hike on a trail that I had not ventured on before. I went about 90 minutes in one direction towards the Rocky Mountains. On my way out I noticed something I had never seen on any of my hikes before that were not around any body of water (stream, creek, river, pond, lake, ocean). I saw 3 large fish that were about 18-24 inches long. It seemed strange to me as the nearest stream, creek and river was over 10 miles away and there were no ponds around that would hold fish that large nearby as I was near the high point of the area. I then hiked another 90 minutes and realizing that I did not bring any water with me, decided to return as the temperatures were warming. I had noticed a sign warning me about rattle snakes in the area that I was hiking in. About half way back to home I saw a…

Monday, April 20 2020
How we talk to our children later becomes their inner voice
Have you ever considered what you say to your children can haunt them the rest of their lives if you speak negative words of death over them? Conversely, if you speak positive words of encouragement and life that they will blossom like a flower that receives sunshine and water and will see blessings in their lives. How often do you think and take inventory of exactly how you speak to and treat your own children? Those who spoke negatively every day to their children as they were growing up will see children who are largely affected in a negative way for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately the parents will then blame their children and speak out words of condemnation over them causing a huge chasm to expand throughout their lifetimes between them. Their children will naturally distance themselves from their parents - wanting to stop the onslaught of death words over them. Then often the parents will blame shift the reasons that their children want nothing to do with them onto their victimized children causing their children to feel hurt deeply and rarely wanting to ever speak to them as their parents need to own their abuse over…

Monday, November 25 2019
Thanksgiving Peace or Strife?
With the Thanksgiving holiday season coming upon us in America, many people are looking forward to what the holiday truly represents in thanking the Lord for family, blessings and lots of food, but at the same time are dreading having to see certain relatives. The relatives who make you feel loved and produce laughter are those you want to spend time around. But most families have at least one (and often times many) person(s) who they want to avoid like the plague due to various past hurtful comments, condemning looks, snide remarks, prideful statements and other strife that they have experienced coming out of their mouth. 2 Timothy 2:20-26 NKJV “20 But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some for honor and some for dishonor. 21 Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work. 22 Flee also youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. 23 But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife.…

Tuesday, November 6 2018
Christ is Returning for a Pure & Spotless Bride….Are You Ready?
Many people who attend church regularly today believe that if they would die that they are on their way to heaven. Most who have any type of leadership position believe they are definitely going to get into the pearly gates with no problems. But what does the Bible say? The only one who counts is the Lord God Almighty. Matthew 7:21-23 New King James Version (NKJV) 21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ Verse 22 states that "Many" will say that they had prophesied and cast out demons in the Lord's name and done many wonders but the Lord will tell them to depart from Him. Why? It's because the Lord knows their hearts and minds. He knows how they treat their spouses and children. He knows if they are in…

Tuesday, April 10 2018
How do you know when you are freed from the enemy? You will feel peace, love & joy
So many Christians are tormented in their minds every day with thoughts that flood them throughout the day from the enemy. They have no idea that their thoughts are not all their own because the church fails to teach them at a level that they can truly understand. They talk about taking their thoughts captive but fail to give them tools to actually do it on a day to day basis. What good is it to memorize Bible scriptures yet never feeling at peace, love or joy on a daily basis? We as a church must do a better job at explaining to people that Christ died on the cross and then gave us His authority to do the very same things that He did while on earth. We simply must take His authority and walk it out. When we hear a thought that comes to us that causes us to be in fear, anger, take an offense, we must recognize that the thought is from the enemy and to shut the thought down immediately. So many people have been hurt by their parents growing up or have been molested, had incest or raped and the enemy now has legal…