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Tag: peace
Friday, July 19 2024
IT’S BETTER TO BE ALONE THAN TO HAVE MANY UNGODLY FRIENDS & FAMILY Written by Mindy Schuman There are many times in life when we find ourselves surrounded by friends, family and others who don’t have our best interest at heart. There are often individuals we allow to be part of our lives who have not aligned themselves with the kingdom of God and His commandments and have become a negative influence in our thoughts and actions. In many cases we allow these individuals to speak into us and be an active part of our lives causing much damage to ourselves and even our spouse and children. These types of relationships can be harmful and cause us to lose our peace that God desires us to have. We have a responsibility to our spouses, if married, and children to guard ourselves from those with evil intentions and who habitually practice sin and walk out their fleshly desires. Many mistakenly believe that being connected to those who have repeatedly and habitually been critical, judgmental and harsh is somehow better than being alone. But it is far better to pull away and be separate than be negatively influenced, controlled, manipulated and mistreated…
Wednesday, June 26 2024
WHAT CAUSES SO MANY PEOPLE TO TRIGGER & HOW TO GET HEALED Triggering means you overreact to something that is really not that significant but you really feel that it is. Maybe you explode on your spouse if they make a minor decision to do something that you don’t agree with because you feel like they are controlling you which you actually were controlled by a father or mother growing up and couldn’t make your own decisions. Maybe you feel like you can’t trust your spouse and go off on them multiple times a month even though they have never done anything to cause you to feel like you can’t trust them but when you were a teenager your boyfriend or girlfriend cheated on you and you never could forgive them. It’s because when you were a child you were hurt and felt like you couldn’t trust, felt unprotected, were controlled, felt angry, hurt, bitter, rage, jealous, rejected, betrayed, etc and then when something today feels like the same thing to you then you will trigger on the person who is causing you to feel the same way. You may hear voices in your head or feel it inside. You…
Thursday, December 28 2023
IT’S HARD TO HAVE GODLY FRUIT WHEN YOU HEAR DEMONIC THOUGHTS ALL DAY How many negative thoughts do you have each day? Thoughts that cause you to have fear. To think a lustful, impure sexual thought? To have thoughts of anger, jealousy, betrayal, rejection, have bitterness, pride, lying…all these are demonic and when you hear a couple thousand of these every day – it will be impossible for you to have godly fruit in your life. Fruit like love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control. So many people who attend church struggle every day to try to be good yet failing due to being inundated with negative thoughts from demons and then agreeing with those thoughts. This is the true invisible enemy that is a worldwide pandemic that has been going on for centuries. People who get wounded in their lives from their mother, father, siblings, relatives, friends or enemies will hear demonic thoughts in their minds. Their souls have been wounded. Souls are comprised of their mind (thoughts), wills (free wills to choose) and emotions (anger, joy, selfishness, selflessness, jealousy, etc). The National Science Foundation did a study in 2005 and found that some people have…
Wednesday, August 23 2023
JEZEBEL LOVES STRIFE AND HATES PEACE People who operate in the Jezebel spirit love to strive and argue and hate peace. They are used to getting people to give them what they want when they get angry and threaten and intimidate them in fear. They will provoke you until you can no longer stay at peace and then when you say something back to them in retaliation they blame you for not getting along with them. The spirit of Jezebel causes them to rant and rage, talk on and on and on without ceasing for hours. Jezebel causes arguments, fighting, strife and will change the subject multiple times in order to shift the discussion away from the real issues concerning their own bad behavior to something totally irrelevant. People who operate in the spirit of Jezebel have no peace in their minds. Ever. Just torment from their demons every day. They get hit with 12,000 or more thoughts a day of which 80% are negative and 95% the same thoughts they had the day before. So what does the Bible say about striving and arguing? 2 Timothy 2:23-26 NKJV 23 But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate…
Tuesday, May 23 2023
PRIDE WILL DESTROY YOUR LIFE, MARRIAGE, RELATIONSHIPS & SALVATION People get pride due to being being hurt through others emotionally or physically or being exposed to sexual things like porn, other people who touch them as a child, and they hear voices telling them not to trust anyone else, they must protect themselves, make all the decisions in life, tell others what to do. On earth there is nothing like him, Which is made without fear. He beholds every high thing; He is king over all the children of pride.”” Job 41:33-34 NKJV These six things the LORD hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil, A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among brethren.” Proverbs 6:16-19 NKJV Elisha told Naaman to wash in the Jordan river 7 times to get healed and he was indignant and prideful towards him and wanted to wash in a cleaner river. He had to be humbled before he saw his healing. Pride means I don’t need God - I got it “But He gives…
Tuesday, March 14 2023
CORE VS ALTERNATE PERSONALITIES When we get hurt growing up by a parent, sibling, classmate, neighbor, teacher, friend or anyone and are not able to forgive them demons will gain legal rights to affect our soul. Our soul is made up of our mind (thoughts), will and emotions and when we have been hurt and not healed we will not be able to live in a calm and peaceful core state as our emotions and thoughts will be triggered. Jesus said in Matthew 6:14-15 that if we refuse to forgive others who hurt us then God will refuse to forgive us for our sins. So as we grow older and become accustomed to hearing demonic voices in our heads (that sound like our own thoughts) or feeling strong emotions then we will trigger into alternate personalities. We will overreact in our responses to people over simple things. We will become angry, enraged, take offense easily, raise our voices, or give people the silent treatment to control them passively, or behave jealously due to our insecurities and unhealed soul wounds. We will not behave consistently in our core personality which is who we really would be most of the time when…
Friday, January 13 2023
HEALING & DELIVERANCE RESTORES YOUR CHILDLIKE INNOCENCE Children our easy targets for the enemy to hurt as they can’t protect themselves and are innocent. As we grow up we get hurt by people. Hurt by our fathers, mothers, siblings, teachers, church leaders, etc. We get exposed to pornography, touched sexually, molested, raped, nudity which causes demonic spirits of lust, perversion to give us urges to masturbate and have sexual relationships before we get married. We get messed up. We hear demonic spirits give us thoughts hundreds and thousands of times a day. And that includes those who attend church and can pray in tongues. When we are able to forgive all who hurt us, repent for our pride and sin, give the Lord our sexual lust and impure desires then the sexual images and illicit memories are wiped clean from us and we get our childlike innocence back. We become Childlike. We laugh more, tease, have wholesome fun, no longer desire to lust after people or seek out porn or behave in selfish ways. We want to play, exercise, go for walks outside, eat healthy, and we have love in our hearts for others. We are like children again in…
Friday, January 6 2023
HOW DO YOU KNOW WHEN YOU HAVE TRULY FORGIVEN THOSE WHO HURT YOU? The enemy wants to hurt us through other people deeply by what they say and do to us. People with demons will try to control you and feel like they can tell you anything and expect you to do what they demand. Betrayal from a person who is supposed to have loved you but then hurt you deeply with emotional abuse or worse and lied about you to others by blaming you is especially painful…especially from a parent or spouse. Christians with demons have double standards by being able to hurt and abuse their victims but then lie and twist the truth and tell as many people who will listen to their lies that they were abused and were a victim. Then those who are true Christians who were the true victims of abuse usually cover for the abuser to everyone (except for those who ask and then they reluctantly explain the truth). People influenced by demons have a lot of pride and believe they can abuse their victims and live a sinful life and then expect their victims to remain silent to cover their abuse for…
Monday, November 28 2022
COMPLAINING GIVES LEGAL RIGHTS TO DEMONS TO ATTACK YOU Demons want you to complain about your negative circumstances as much as possible. They want you to go on and on about how you are suffering and are being abused or have endured pain because it brings joy to them that you are being negatively affected. Remember how much the Israelites complained when they were in the desert instead of having a heart of gratitude that they were no longer slaves? God decided to finally have them all die (except for Joshua and Caleb) in the desert because He was tired of hearing them complain. Have you ever been around a person who complains? It takes the life from you as you normally come down to their level and eventually it wears on you as you have to feel their pain and anguish and you can’t stay positive anymore or encouraging or lift them up. You have to feel horrible with them and languish together in sympathy. You take on the “poor me” attitude that they have. Then the demons are so pleased because now you are on their territory and you are both complaining about how you have been done…
Friday, November 11 2022
THE IMPORTANCE OF MARRYING A DELIVERED BELIEVER It is common for couples to date for several months to a year and then within 3 weeks of getting married one of them changes dramatically. One of them becomes very controlling, jealous of others, demanding, prideful and sneaks around behaving in ways they don’t want their spouse to know what they are doing. It’s like the spouse’s personality changed once they had you committed to marriage. So what happened? What happened was the spouse who dramatically changed to the worse had an alternate personality which they hid until they officially had you committed to marriage to them. They had prior soul wounds from childhood which were never healed that allowed demons to attach to them giving them many thoughts to which they trigger if you look or sound like a person or situation from their past that hurt them. The spouse could be Spirit filled and pray in tongues and prophesy but if they still have not forgiven all who hurt them from their hearts and asked God to take their pride from them and repented for their sin and got delivered from the demons that attached to their soul then they…