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61% OF ADULTS WITH CANCER IS RELATED TO UNFORGIVENESS Survey links untreatable cancer to unforgiveness A recent survey in the U.S. has it that 61 per cent of men and 59 per cent of women of difficult to treat cancer were traced to unforgiveness, an expert has said. Dr. Patrick Ijewere, a medical consultant at Howard University, Washington DC, made the revelation to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) Speaking to NAN at the end of the program, Ijewere said that he had the backing of his claims about the link between unforgiveness and cancer from established research in the U.S. He said that there was a project in the U.S. called “The Forgiveness Project’’ about the link between human behaviour and diseases which linked the difficult to treat cancer to unforgiveness. “There is a project ongoing in the U.S. that is basically a search to know how our attitudes and lifestyles affect our treatable diseases which tends to be opposite. “Various studies have showed that what happens in the physical realm has a lot to do with what we have in the spiritual world. It has been an established link. “The research in the U.S. is verifiable that 61…


HOW TO LOVE THOSE WHO OVERSTEP GODLY BOUNDARIES Written by Mindy Schuman Have you ever thought about what your actions should look like when you love someone? These actions of love tend to come pretty easily with those we love and cherish, and who show us love and kindness in return. I want to share today about another angle to loving others, a general principle that the Bible has a lot to say about yet has become a stumbling block to some in the body of Christ. The enemy has tried to deceive true believers in many ways, including attempting to use religion and twisting scripture to deceive believers about how to love others who overstep and cross our personal and moral boundaries. Specifically, how do we love those that demand we let them control areas of our life that don’t belong to them and that they have no authority over? The Bible is clear that we are to have and enforce personal boundaries to keep others from crossing the line and controlling areas where it is inappropriate for them to do so. In addition, by exercising personal boundaries, we avoid unnecessary temptations that we would otherwise be exposed to…

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