Ahab Spirit Emotional Healings Jezebel Spirit Leviathan Spirit Peaceful Living Physical Healings Repentance Spiritual Growth


THE LEVIATHAN SPIRIT CAUSES BACK & NECK PAIN, HEADACHES, INSOMNIA, CONFUSION & PRIDE People who are attacked by the spirit of Leviathan have the following symptoms: - Pride (think you are better than someone else, opposite of humble) - God refers to prideful people as “stiff necked” in 2 Chronicles 30:8 and Proverbs 29:1 so you will have pain in your neck  - False humility (pretend to be humble)  - Self righteous (Pharisees) - Twists communication in their minds and causes confusion and lies (you will think someone said something that they didn’t or you will lie about things you said or did that were bad) - Wraps around spine and twists - Back / neck pain - Headaches - Insomnia  - Dreams of alligators which represent Leviathan - Causes drowsiness when reading Bible or Christian books  - Scoliosis  - Fibromyalgia  - Many other sicknesses / diseases / afflictions  - Freemasons / Scottish Rite / Shriners / Eastern Star (women) in your blood line - Memory issues - can lead to dementia or Alzheimer’s in older years of your life because you have allowed the demons to give you thousands of thoughts every day The Bible talks about a creature…


PEOPLE WITH DEMONS CAN’T STOP MANIFESTING AROUND GODLY PEOPLE  People who are tormented by demonic spirits in their minds cannot control themselves from manifesting, especially when they are around truly godly people. They feel compelled to say things to control & manipulate, to criticize and judge unrighteously, as their pride is so strong that they cannot stop themselves. They feel justified because their demons tell them they are right and they need to tell others to do what they want. It’s similar to when Jesus was on earth and the prideful Pharisees seethed with anger, jealousy and hatred for Jesus - yet Jesus called them out.  So many are unhealed church people who are self righteous and walk in false humility. Their demons within them cause them to not be able to simply behave with love and respect. They cannot resist their urges to say things to hurt people because they hear thousands of demonic thoughts a day and obey what they hear. They manifest on others and think they are in the right when they are totally in the wrong.  You can often see it in their eyes as they get darker and their faces contort. The demons reveal…

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