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Below are upcoming dates / locations that RESTORED TO FREEDOM will be near you!
Date/Time Event
Thursday, August 8 2024
07:00 PM CDT - 09:00 PM CDT
Advance Conference in Chicago, IL!
Family Life Christian Center, Carol Stream IL
Friday, August 9 2024
08:45 AM CDT - 11:00 AM CDT
Advance Conference in Chicago, IL!
Family Life Christian Center, Carol Stream IL
Friday, August 9 2024
07:00 PM CDT - 09:00 PM CDT
Advance Conference in Chicago, IL!
Family Life Christian Center, Carol Stream IL
Saturday, August 10 2024
08:45 AM CDT - 11:00 AM CDT
Advance Conference in Chicago, IL!
Family Life Christian Center, Carol Stream IL
Saturday, August 10 2024
07:00 PM CDT - 09:00 PM CDT
Advance Conference in Chicago, IL!
Family Life Christian Center, Carol Stream IL


INNER HEALING & DELIVERANCE SAVES YOU THOUSANDS OF $ EACH YEAR When people get their soul wounds healed and delivered from demons they save thousands of dollars every year:   -Sin becomes rare in their lives which saves a lot of money  -Addictions for food, drugs, smoking, vaping, alcohol, lust and sex are removed which saves thousands a year -When you are delivered from pride you don’t feel compelled to over spend on your image with houses, cars, TVs, your looks, clothing, etc - You treat your spouse with love and respect, no more porn or affairs or prostitutes or STDs - so you have a healthy sex life of true intimacy  - You are not jealous, selfish, evil, angry, depressed, or suicidal - you have peace which reduces stress and improves health - As you walk in much better health you don’t need to see doctors or stay in hospitals or be reliant on drugs  - When people are delivered they are in their right mind so don’t need money spent on mental health, psychologists, psychiatrists or therapists - People behave in the ways they should so no one needs to go to court, hire attorneys to handle disputes…


NEVER SUBMIT TO UNGODLY SPOUSES / PARENTS AND CHURCH LEADERS God gives all of us a freewill to choose to obey Him or not. People who operate in the Jezebel spirit feel compelled to control others and make them submit to what they want and not what God wants. That’s a form of witchcraft.  We must not make an idol of anyone. In Acts 5:1-11 Sapphira submitted to her ungodly husband Ananias and lied to Peter about how much money they received for selling their property. She was instantly killed by the Lord a few hours after Ananias died when she agreed with her husband to lie. This was after Jesus had resurrected in the New Testament.  We are never to submit to parents who are not submitted to God and try to make you do what they want which would hurt you or cause you to sin. Especially parents who provoke their own children to anger. Athaliah submitted to her evil mother Jezebel and was infiltrated by similar demons. After the death of Ahaziah, her son, Athaliah usurped the throne and reigned for seven years. She massacred all the members of the royal house of Judah (II Kings 11:1–3),…


RECOVERING FROM NARCISSISTIC ABUSE INTENT TO INFECT YOU WITH HATRED One of the most hurtful wounds in life that an adult can endure is when you have a relationship or marry a narcissistic / Jezebellic spouse and love them in a very kind and caring way but then the abusive narcissistic spouse abuses you horribly, controls, manipulates, yells, intimidates, humiliates, throws objects at you, threatens you and then goes to all of your mutual friends, family and church people and tells them lies about you to make them hate you and have nothing to do with you, often accusing you of doing exactly what they actually did to you. They are masters of lying.  It is extremely difficult to recover from this type of attack because when you have endured some of the most traumatic, painful emotional abuse or worse from someone and then they lie better than you can tell the truth - and you lose close relationships with many people - then you often develop an intense hatred and anger inside of your heart for your abuser and want to take revenge upon them. Unfortunately that allows demonic spirits to torment you in your mind and body due…


DON’T ARGUE WITH PEOPLE WHO LOVE TO ARGUE  People who love to argue will waste your time, exhaust you, accuse you of what they are doing and project onto you, criticize you, twist the subject multiple times in minutes and never admit when they are wrong (which is often) as they believe everything they say and do is right. They will steal your peace, cause you to feel stressed and can even develop into sicknesses. All kinds of evil happens with strife and demons will cause stress.  2 Timothy 2:23-26  “But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife. And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth, and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will.” Ephesians 6:4 NKJV “And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.” So what should you do if you are around…


WARNING DREAMS ARE PREPARING YOU FOR SIGNIFICANT CHANGES COMING Often times the Lord will send a message through a dream to a person who would be shocked to know of some significant changes that are coming in their life. Some of the changes may be good but many may be hardships for the person to receive and may be a temporary setback. That’s why when the Lord floats a thought or dream to you about something that may be tough for you to receive it is to prepare you to endure the situation when it actually manifests so you aren’t suddenly shocked and given over to fear. It will give you a sense of peace knowing you were aware of it. Remember the dreams that Joseph had * Grain dream 
When Joseph was around 17 years old, he dreamed about gathering grain with his brothers in a field. In his dream, Joseph's bundle of grain was tall, while his brothers' bundles were bowed down to his. When Joseph told his brothers about the dream, they were angry and jealous with him. * Sun, moon, and stars dream 
In his second dream, Joseph saw the sun, moon, and 11 stars bowing…


BEAUTIFUL WOMEN ARE HATED BY WOMEN & LUSTED AFTER BY MEN Women who are physically attractive are hated  by other women who are jealous of them and lusted after by men until the men’s advances are rejected and then are also hated on by men. Sadly there is a very real curse that most women endure when they are beautiful.  Many women get dirty looks by other jealous insecure women in public, at the workplace, church, the gym, grocery store and can feel the hatred for them for no reason. They feel ostracized, lied & gossiped about. These beautiful women are especially hated if they have a godly heart as the demons in others can’t stand them and want them to be destroyed. Lucifer used to be beautiful as the leader of worship in heaven but was jealous of God so was kicked out of heaven and is evil and leads other demons to come against those who desire to be godly so those influenced by demons especially hate beautiful women who love God.  In 2 Samuel 13 - David’s son Amnon lusted after his beautiful half sister Tamar and ultimately raped her. Then he hated her and sent her…


WHAT CAUSES SO MANY PEOPLE TO TRIGGER & HOW TO GET HEALED  Triggering means you overreact to something that is really not that significant but you really feel that it is.  Maybe you explode on your spouse if they make a minor decision to do something that you don’t agree with because you feel like they are controlling you which you actually were controlled by a father or mother growing up and couldn’t make your own decisions. Maybe you feel like you can’t trust your spouse and go off on them multiple times a month even though they have never done anything to cause you to feel like you can’t trust them but when you were a teenager your boyfriend or girlfriend cheated on you and you never could forgive them.  It’s because when you were a child you were hurt and felt like you couldn’t trust, felt unprotected, were controlled, felt angry, hurt, bitter, rage, jealous, rejected, betrayed, etc and then when something today feels like the same thing to you then you will trigger on the person who is causing you to feel the same way. You may hear voices in your head or feel it inside. You…


IT IS NEVER GOD’S WILL TO HAVE ANYONE DOMINATE ANOTHER PERSON People who are not delivered from demons will often dominate and control others with the purpose of forcing others to do exactly what they want throughout their lives. If people don’t submit or obey them they will raise their voice or talk on and on or give the silent treatment to them to wear their victims down to get them to obey.  Below are just some of the situations where people dominate others that God hates: Husband dominates his wife Wife dominates her husband Pastor dominates his congregation  Church leaders & teachers dominate attenders Employer dominates their employees Boss dominates his worker Teacher dominates their students  Parents dominate their children Children can also dominate a parent A mentor dominates their studen When a person is controlled, dominated and manipulated by another person to do what the dominating person wants and not what God would want they are essentially having witchcraft done to them. God gives us all a freewill to obey Him. People can also manipulate another person by producing a love or sexual desire in one person toward another - like a love spell cast upon them. When…


HOW DEMONS COEXIST WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT IN CHRISTIANS  So many of us have been falsely taught to believe that demons can’t reside in a person who has the Holy Spirit. It’s because Satan wants us to believe that lie so that Christians don’t pursue getting delivered and the demons can continue to torment their minds and bodies and get them to justify sin and walking in their flesh.  When we receive the Holy Spirit the demons that were present in the person do not leave as long as they have a right to stay. What gives them a right to stay? Unforgiveness is one major reason.  Jesus said in Matthew 18:21-35 that if we refuse to forgive others from our hearts that we will be turned over to the tormentors. Demons torment us with thousands of negative thoughts per day (2005 National Science Foundation study found the average person has 12,000 thoughts a day of which 80% of their thoughts were negative) and can also torment us with sickness and disease.  Jesus was our example as he was dying on the cross as he said “Father forgive them they know not what they do”.  If we refuse to forgive…


WHEN YOU CHOOSE TO SPEAK THE TRUTH EXPECT TO BE LIED ABOUT It’s not easy to speak the truth today because most people live in darkness, deception and sin and hate it when anyone exposes the truth about them. Jesus came and exposed the sins and hearts of the Pharisees and they hated Him even to the point of killing Him. It’s much easier to go with the flow and look the other way when people are doing evil things instead of standing up for truth and righteousness.  Many in families have parents who are choosing to allow sin to dominate their lives. Some even may go to church but still aren’t living with love in their hearts or righteously because their appearance of good means more than actually walking in love like Jesus. They often have one child who sees the evil, lies and deception the parents are living in and then call it out because they actually have a moral compass. That child is then treated with disdain like a scapegoat and blamed for every thing that goes wrong in the family. They are lied about constantly because the demons in them are angry at the child for…

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