Ahab Spirit Emotional Healings Jezebel Spirit Leviathan Spirit Peaceful Living Physical Healings Repentance Spiritual Growth


HEALING FROM REJECTION, BETRAYAL & ABUSE I have taken thousands of people around the world through personal sessions to help them get healed from their past soul wounds. Everyone has been rejected, betrayed and emotionally abused by people, often a parent, relative, spouse, friend, church people, etc. Some were rejected in the womb by their mother or father that didn’t want them. Some had a parent that wanted a girl instead of a boy or a boy instead of a girl. Some were cheated on or emotionally abused by their spouse. All have been betrayed by someone like a family member, spouse, ex spouse, church member, colleague at work, etc. Many have been emotionally abused, or physically or sexually. 95% of us have either been exposed to porn or sexually molested by the age of 14.  When you are rejected, betrayed or abused you will hear demonic spirits speak to you in your mind causing torment and telling you that you are justified to be angry, bitter, deserving of justice or revenge. You will often will feel alone, sad and even depressed. It makes it very hard to forgive so that you can be healed and delivered.  Often it causes…


IF THE CHURCH ADVISES YOU TO SUBMIT TO AN ABUSIVE SPOUSE ASK GOD WHAT HE ADVISES Many pastors and church leaders and church people use the “God hates divorce” partial verse to cause an abused spouse to feel that they must stay with their abuser at all costs but what would God advise? God would want the abuser to get their childhood wounds healed, have them forgive those who hurt them when they were young and then to have them repent for their pride and sin and pursue getting deliverance from their demons which caused them to emotionally abuse and worse which caused the victim to reach out for help. The simple truth is that God never wants anyone to be abused, nor tolerate it. And God is not pleased with anyone who abuses their spouse.  Malachi 2:14-16 NKJV “Yet you say, “For what reason?” Because the Lord has been witness Between you and the wife of your youth, With whom you have dealt treacherously; Yet she is your companion And your wife by covenant. But did He not make them one, Having a remnant of the Spirit? And why one? He seeks godly offspring. Therefore take heed to your…


THE ABUSE YOU SUFFERED HAS NOW POSITIONED YOU TO MINISTER POWERFULLY There are many who have had to endure extremely painful experiences such as being emotionally, physically or sexually abused as a child. Being abused by a spouse that you loved and then they later told lies about you accusing you of doing what they did to you to get others to hate you and destroy your relationships and reputation. Gossip spread about you from church people can cause you to have to leave. Not getting a promotion that you were due or that you deserved.  Having someone steal money from you.  Losing a loved one due to a tragic car accident or early death due to sickness.  There are many experiences that are horrible to endure at the time but when the Lord heals you as you forgive all who hurt you, repent for your own pride and sin, get delivered from demonic strongholds and addictions, then God uses the pain you experienced to ultimately strengthen you and often lead you into ministering to help others heal from the very same things that you endured because you now have compassion for those who are going through similar circumstances. You…


FAMILY OFTEN CAUSES THE MOST HURTFUL ATTACKS Satan will often use your own family to cause you the most false accusations, pain, suffering, guilt, sadness, abuse, hopelessness, depression and sickness in your life.  Matthew 10:35-37 NKJV “For I have come to ‘set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law’; and ‘a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.’ He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me.” When you have decided to live a life like Christ and your family either chooses to live like the world or live like the religious Pharisees then you will face hatred, lies, evil and false accusations to try to control and manipulate you and stop you from doing God’s assignment for your life.  So what should you do? If your family refuses to change and treat you with love and respect then you must remove them from your life, block all communication so that the demons in them cannot get toxic messages to you to cause you to be defeated and struggle…


GOD WANTS MARRIAGES THAT ARE HOLY NOT COMPROMISED God wants both husband and wife to be aligned with living a godly life according to the Bible. They need to both have fruit of the spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control). They need to both walk in humility and sexual purity. If your spouse is not living a godly life and is living a sinful life of the flesh then they will try to get you to compromise and tolerate sin in your life. They will come against you fulfilling your calling in the Lord. They will try to pull you away from living a life full of integrity and sexual purity and follow them instead of God which can ultimately affect your salvation if you give yourself over to them in order to “keep the peace.” There was a woman in the Bible named Sapphire who agreed to sin with her husband and it unfortunately cost her life. “But a certain man named Ananias, with Sapphira his wife, sold a possession. And he kept back part of the proceeds, his wife also being aware of it, and brought a certain part and laid it at…


NOT EVERY MARRIAGE WAS ORDAINED BY GOD Think about it. Most marriages happen when a young man and woman are first physically attracted to one another. Then they date for a period of time to see if they are compatible with one another. If one person is very controlling, lies, cheats on them, emotionally abuses or worse, or has no godly fruit while the other person wants to live for God then often times they don’t follow through with the wedding. Often times one of the parties says they are a Christian, acts nice to them as much as they are able to muster during the dating process but ultimately has no intention in their heart of living a godly lifestyle and simply wants their future spouse to provide for their financial or physical needs, give them sex when they want it, yet will treat them like a slave with consistent emotional abuse, putting them down with a cutting tongue and possibly worse during the marriage. Does that sound like a potential marriage ordained by God? Of course not. Yet millions of marriages are consummated under false pretense. So what happens if you had every intention of serving God in…


HOW SHOULD YOU HANDLE EMOTIONAL ABUSE IN MARRIAGE & RELATIONSHIPS? Emotional abuse in marriage & relationships is unfortunately more common than people would want to think and is also equally as challenging to decide just how to address it and with whom. Most times when two people get married for the first time they expect their partners to love on them and to allow them to make decisions that bring the greatest level of satisfaction to them. They both expect to be able to do whatever they want to do that will bring them the greatest level of enjoyment. Often times shortly after the wedding (and some times longer) one of the spouses will usually place demands to make most of the decisions in the marriage and begin to control and manipulate the other spouse who usually has more of a giving heart. Over time it begins to cause the spouse who is being controlled to feel less valued, dominated and no longer feel loved. The more demanding spouse wants even more control, will behave very proudly and talk more condescending with disrespect to their mate. Eventually the controlled spouse will feel sick to their stomachs frequently because of the…


GOD HATES EMOTIONAL ABUSE IN RELATIONSHIPS Many people want to only think of God as an all loving, look the other way on people’s sins with no negative consequences for people’s actions, who tolerates those who abuse others emotionally while giving us hyper grace to get into heaven after we have died never holding us accountable for our bad behavior and thinking nothing of our fruits of the flesh and never looking at the intentions of our hearts and minds. But God is a God of justice and He knows the truth about all of us. He knows how we treat our spouse and children and other people and it all matters. He knows if we are emotionally, verbally, physically or sexually abusive or perverse. And the Bible says he hates abuse, perversity, lying, and doing evil. There are many people who abuse their spouse their entire marriage and unfortunately use the religious people in the church to protect them by shouting the “God hates divorce” scripture in order to keep them chained to their abuser in marriage while ignoring the scriptures about their own abuse of their spouse which causes many to reluctantly desire to leave them so they…


NARCISSISTS (JEZEBEL SPIRIT) CAUSE SICKNESS & A SLOW DEATH TO THEIR SPOUSE I personally knew a woman who was married to a man who was emotionally abusive to her and their children due to him being sexually abused by his father. They went to my church and attended my adult Sunday school class. She developed a brain tumor due to the daily verbal abuse from him at age 40. She ended up dying from it. Her children moved out from his abuse as soon as they graduated. After his wife died he got remarried to a woman who was healthy. Within a year she began to get sick due to his emotional abuse to her. He now has cancer. I know of others who were married to people with the Jezebel spirit who lost their hair, felt sick to their stomachs which developed into ulcers, anxiety, fear, gained or lost weight, headaches, strokes or heart attacks. It’s very real when a person with demonic spirits constantly tears you down, controls you and makes you submit to their demonic manipulation through ridicule, derision, raising their voices, silent treatment and passive / aggressive behavior. You are literally sleeping with the enemy as…


DID YOU KNOW THE BIBLE SAYS NOT TO ASSOCIATE WITH FAKE BELIEVERS? Did you know that Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 5:9-13 not to associate with “Christian” believers who indulge in sexual sin (porn, lust, masturbation, fornication), are greedy (selfish), worship idols (putting anything before the Lord like money, power, sex, alcohol, drugs, smoking, gambling, sports, food, etc), are abusive (emotionally, verbally, physically or sexually), drink alcohol to excess, or cheats people and are sinning regularly. Sadly that describes a whole lot of people who attend church today. There are many believers who are living ungodly lives full of sin with fruit of the flesh and have no desires to change and get right with the Lord and obey the Bible. Paul actually says we are to have nothing to do with them. To not even eat with them and that we are to judge those inside the church who are living sinful lives and that we should remove the evil person from among us. “When I wrote to you before, I told you not to associate with people who indulge in sexual sin. But I wasn’t talking about unbelievers who indulge in sexual sin, or are greedy, or cheat…

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