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Tag: ahab spirit
Thursday, May 9 2024
MOST COUPLES RESEMBLE JEZEBEL AND AHAB Most every couple / marriage today resembles the similar traits of queen Jezebel and King Ahab in 1 and 2 Kings. The spirit of Jezebel can affect a woman or a man and the spirit of Ahab affects men or women. Those two spirits will draw people together into relationships. People who operate in the spirit of Jezebel have the following traits: Controlling and demanding Manipulative, threatening & intimidating Must get their way on most decisions Selfish Lies a lot - especially about things they did or said that are evil Extremely jealous and insecure Accuse you of who they are Have many broken relationships Many are Seductive - can use their sexuality to entice others Spends lots of money Their image is everything to them Often cannot keep their jobs or positions People who operate in the Ahab spirit have the following traits: Feels secure in marrying a person who acts like they are decisive and can run the show Wants peace at all cost so will allow evil to be done by people instead of standing up to confront Good at making money and keeping their job Get drawn in to Jezebel’s…

Monday, June 19 2023
BREAKING FREE FROM THE SPIRIT OF AHAB “In the thirty-eighth year of Asa king of Judah, Ahab the son of Omri became king over Israel; and Ahab the son of Omri reigned over Israel in Samaria twenty-two years. Now Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the LORD, more than all who were before him. And it came to pass, as though it had been a trivial thing for him to walk in the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, that he took as wife Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal, king of the Sidonians; and he went and served Baal and worshiped him. Then he set up an altar for Baal in the temple of Baal, which he had built in Samaria. And Ahab made a wooden image. Ahab did more to provoke the LORD God of Israel to anger than all the kings of Israel who were before him.” I Kings 16:29-33 NKJV 1 Kings 16:29 through 22:40 contains the narrative of Ahab's reign. His reign was slightly more emphasised upon than the previous kings, due to his blatant trivialization of the "sins of Jeroboam", which the previous kings of Israel were plagued by,…

Sunday, February 6 2022
People who have been emotionally, physically or sexually hurt by other people (a parent, step-parent, foster parent, adopted parent, other relatives, neighbors, strangers) will often develop anger, bitterness, pride, jealousy, sexual impurity and not trust anyone – including God. Many of them attend church on a regular basis and although they asked Jesus to come into their heart, their soul was still wounded and if they have not been able to truly forgive all those who have hurt them from their heart then demons will have legal rights to give them thoughts. Many church-attending Christians have given demons legal rights to torment their soul (mind, will and emotions) due to their unforgiveness for those who hurt them when they were growing up. Jezebel manifests in them as they hear hundreds and thousands of thoughts each day from the demons telling them that they can’t trust their spouse or others so they better tell them what to do. Those hearing all these thoughts would never discern that the thoughts are coming from demons. They are constantly critical of their victims (spouse, kids, others who don’t do what they want), wanting to control and manipulate them to make them do everything that…

Wednesday, January 26 2022
There are many ways that Christians tolerate sin in their lives. Most struggle due to being hurt growing up – a parent, step-parent, other relative, sibling, neighbors, kids at school, teachers, church people, etc. When we are hurt emotionally, verbally, physically or sexually we will hear demonic voices in our heads telling us not to trust anyone, having thoughts of anger or bitterness for those who hurt us, wanting to get back at people, being sad for all the injustices. Thus forgiveness is imperative in order to take away the legal rights of the demons so you can command them to go from you so you can have more peaceful thoughts and fruit of the spirit. Have you ever thought through some of the ways that Satan causes you to tolerate sin? #1 – Bullying. If you have a relationship with someone who historically gets angry or will go on and on arguing with you if you don’t give them what they want (and their desires are for things that are not what the Lord would want you to allow them to do or get) then you will usually give in to them and let them have what they want. …

Friday, May 14 2021
People who have sweet dispositions, good hearts and gentle spirits are prime targets for people who are more type A personalities who want to tell you what to do, how to do it, and are generally very controlling and ungodly people. People who love to control and manipulate others will always have a stronger pride and will often act like they are godly but behind closed doors do very ungodly and worldly behavior. They will try to convince their victims that they are in relationship with, that their victims are actually not good and need their help in order to live a good life as they are not capable of being godly without them. They will twist scriptures. They will usually talk down to their victims, preying upon their victim’s weaker abilities to stand up to them and over time brainwash their victim into believing that they are much better people then their victim. Those who are the weaker person would be walking in the Ahab spirit while the stronger, more controlling abuser would be operating in the Jezebel spirit. Whenever you see a person operating in the Jezebel spirit you will be able to see whoever they marry take…

Wednesday, May 12 2021
People around the world all get hurt growing up in various ways. Most are hurt emotionally through hurtful words from people (often their own father or mother, a step-parent, other relatives, siblings, friends, etc., ) and some are hurt through physical or sexual abuse (or simply being touched sexually from anyone or shown pornography). When we get hurt we will remember what happened to us as the demons tell us over and over again how evil those people were who took advantage of us so that we cannot truly forgive them in our hearts which gives the demons legal rights to continue to speak to our minds, giving us negative thoughts of anger, fear, anxiety, depression, impure sexual desires, etc. Then many of those who were wounded come into the church and never get their soul wounds healed or delivered from their demons and continue to hurt people (usually their spouse, children and certain people that they target in the church). About 85% of marriages (and relationships) consist of one person who has the spirit of Jezebel and Leviathan and another who has Ahab. They work in tandem with each other but never have true godly intimacy. So to understand…

Wednesday, October 21 2020
The state of the world right now is confusion, anger, fear, twisted truth, lying, deceit, and sexual perversion amongst others. It is a mess. The state of the church is much in the same position as the world as so many have tolerated sin and looked the other way. Of course Satan will attack those in the church as much as he can in order to cause those who are truly of the Lord to be attacked by his people who are not godly but try to act it and then accuse God’s people of things that are false as all it takes is to get people to believe one lie to get them to believe a person is bad instead of good. The spirits of Jezebel, Leviathan and Ahab are three higher ranking demons that cause much of this mess. They are all at work together in the lives of most people in the world to keep the church ineffective, ruin most marriages and cause individual lives to be tormented every day. When people go to the doctor to try to get healed of a pain they must be honest with where the pain is located, what the symptoms…

Thursday, June 18 2020
Sadly most men in the world look nothing like a disciple of Jesus Christ. And I’m talking about the men who attend church regularly. Most men resemble King Ahab who abdicated his godly authority to lead spiritually and following God and just saying no to ungodly decisions made by other people in his life including his wife and children. Ahab married Jezebel and allowed her to take the reins from him and then tolerated her evil behavior in his kingdom which included killing the prophets of the Lord, sacrificing babies to Molech, and raising up her own false prophets of Baal and Ashtoreth. In fact the Bible said Ahab did more evil in the sight of the Lord than all the kings prior to him, partly because of his wife Jezebel. Ahab wanted Naboth's vineyard but was told no by Naboth who was going to give it to his children when he passed, until he told Jezebel why he was sulking and then she devised a plan to accuse Naboth of coming against God and King Ahab and then they stoned him to death. Ahab and Jezebel were both co-dependent on each other's ungodly behavior and Ahab never took the…

Monday, August 27 2018
The Dangers Of Tolerating the Spirits of Jezebel, Ahab & Leviathan
People who grow up with fathers / mothers / step parents who hurt them by either not being involved in their lives, were overly controlling, all the way to abusive, as well as those who had sexual violations (incest, molested, touched, raped, etc) will begin to hear the enemy giving them thoughts to not trust anyone, control others so you won't be hurt again, lie if you need to, get angry so you will get your way, which are all based in fear, and they will have a strong prideful spirit. They partner with the spirits of Jezebel (1 & 2 Kings, Revelation 2:18-23)/ Leviathan (Job 41) and are controlled by the thoughts that come to them by the spirits. They look to find marriage partners and others in relationship who have the spirit of Ahab who do not like confrontation, are weak spiritual leaders, allow people to control and manipulate them, and often times are fearful of being rejected. Most all marriages include one spouse who operates in the spirit of Jezebel to and the other has the spirit of Ahab. Jezebel is the taker and Ahab the giver. Jezebel controls & leads and Ahab gets controlled and follows…

Tuesday, July 10 2018
The main reason most relationships in the world are broken
Unfortunately most relationships and marriages in the world are not at peace and are simply miserable. More than half of all marriages end in divorce (both believers in Christ and non-believers). Hearts are broken as people simply want to be unconditionally loved. What is the main reason behind all of this mess? In one word it comes down to this. Demons. Demons are alive and well in the world as they have been since the earth was created by God and 1/3 of the angels were cast out of heaven with their leader Lucifer (now Satan). Demons torment people in their minds and thus cause them to buy into their suggestions in their minds to hurt themselves and other people. Demons torment both non-believers and those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior as long as their legal right to stay tormenting them is still intact. One of the reasons they can continue to torment a believer's soul is because they have unforgiveness in their heart towards someone who offended or hurt them. Another reason is because they have a strong spirit of pride that causes them to behave arrogantly and thinking they are better than other people.…