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Tag: beauty
Thursday, February 22 2024
BEAUTIFUL WOMEN ARE HATED BY WOMEN AND LUSTED AFTER BY MEN Satan especially hates beauty because he used to be beautiful when he was Lucifer (light bringer) in heaven with God but due to his jealousy and pride was cast out of heaven losing all his attractiveness and then became leader of all the other hideous demons. He also especially hates women because they birth life to other humans which God desires so they can bring glory to the Lord. Satan also hates women because God put enmity between them. “And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel.”” Genesis 3:15 NKJV What does enmity mean? It means the state or feeling of being actively opposed or hostile to someone. Beautiful women are commonly hated on by other women who are often insecure, jealous and angry due to their own hurts and wounds from their childhood and life which will manifest through negative thoughts in their minds and actions. Most men who have not been healed from their wounds or delivered will struggle with lust due to being exposed to porn…

Tuesday, May 9 2017
Beware of the beautiful outward appearance with an evil heart
Over the last few years I have ministered to thousands around the world who have been operating in the Jezebel and Leviathan spirits. One observation that I have made is that the large majority of them would be considered to be physically attractive, both women and men. When a person looks beautiful or handsome, they are are often able to get others to do what they want much more easily. They also are usually very charismatic and outgoing, natural born leaders and people draw to them. But what happens to those that host the Jezebel and Leviathan spirits, is that their hearts are unfortunately being used by the enemy in very evil ways. Those who are married to them, see the other side and their physical beauty becomes a facade of evilness and hypocritical behavior behind closed doors. All the words of control, manipulation, emotional abuse and even physical or sexual abuse, far outweigh the attractiveness of their face. Because their face contains their mouth which spews forth all kinds of evil which does not align with whom they are trying to portray with their outward public appearance. How many of you have known people that fit this description? So…