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Tag: child
Friday, January 13 2023
HEALING & DELIVERANCE RESTORES YOUR CHILDLIKE INNOCENCE Children our easy targets for the enemy to hurt as they can’t protect themselves and are innocent. As we grow up we get hurt by people. Hurt by our fathers, mothers, siblings, teachers, church leaders, etc. We get exposed to pornography, touched sexually, molested, raped, nudity which causes demonic spirits of lust, perversion to give us urges to masturbate and have sexual relationships before we get married. We get messed up. We hear demonic spirits give us thoughts hundreds and thousands of times a day. And that includes those who attend church and can pray in tongues. When we are able to forgive all who hurt us, repent for our pride and sin, give the Lord our sexual lust and impure desires then the sexual images and illicit memories are wiped clean from us and we get our childlike innocence back. We become Childlike. We laugh more, tease, have wholesome fun, no longer desire to lust after people or seek out porn or behave in selfish ways. We want to play, exercise, go for walks outside, eat healthy, and we have love in our hearts for others. We are like children again in…

Wednesday, March 28 2018
The Lord Wants To Restore Us To Enjoy Childlike Fun and Innocence
So many people have had the innocence of their childhood stolen by the enemy through a myriad of circumstances (lack of a father’s presence in the home, verbal / physical or sexual abuse, controlling mothers or fathers, sexually molested by a friend, family member or parent, loss of a parent). When a person grows up void of a healthy environment, the enemy is able to hurt them from the beginning and many go their entire lifetimes struggling to recover the innocence that was lost. Many struggle with healthy marital relationships, causing them to choose people who have demons who then torment them even more, causing divorces and having their own children to get hurt in the similar ways that they were harmed. There are few people in the world who know what it was like to grow up in an environment of unconditional love, joy and peace with healthy fun to enjoy a normal life. They never were able to laugh with their moms, dads and siblings as all they knew was arguing, strife and tainted love. They never were able to simply enjoy a walk in the park, bike riding on an adventure, swinging and playing with the true…