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Tag: complain
Tuesday, September 24 2024
COMPLAINING GIVES DEMONS LEGAL RIGHTS TO TORMENT YOU Demons want you to complain as much as possible to as many who will let you. They want you to go on and on about how you have suffered and endured pain in your past because it brings joy to them that you are still feeling negatively affected and have not forgiven those who hurt you and let it go and stay in victim mode. Remember how much the Israelites complained when they were in the desert instead of having a heart of gratitude that they were no longer slaves? They could have walked into the Promised Land in a few days but because of their complaining God caused them to stay in the wilderness and then they all died (except for Joshua and Caleb) in the desert because He was tired of hearing them complain. Could your complaints be keeping you in the desert? Have you ever been around a person who complains about everything? It often depresses you as you listen to them talk negatively about people who often have been out of their lives for years. Eventually it wears on you as it’s hard to stay positive anymore or…

Monday, November 28 2022
COMPLAINING GIVES LEGAL RIGHTS TO DEMONS TO ATTACK YOU Demons want you to complain about your negative circumstances as much as possible. They want you to go on and on about how you are suffering and are being abused or have endured pain because it brings joy to them that you are being negatively affected. Remember how much the Israelites complained when they were in the desert instead of having a heart of gratitude that they were no longer slaves? God decided to finally have them all die (except for Joshua and Caleb) in the desert because He was tired of hearing them complain. Have you ever been around a person who complains? It takes the life from you as you normally come down to their level and eventually it wears on you as you have to feel their pain and anguish and you can’t stay positive anymore or encouraging or lift them up. You have to feel horrible with them and languish together in sympathy. You take on the “poor me” attitude that they have. Then the demons are so pleased because now you are on their territory and you are both complaining about how you have been done…

Thursday, May 4 2017
Let no words of complaint come out of your mouth
Do you know of anyone that complains often about other people, their circumstances or life in general? What does it feel like to be the recipient of those words of complaint? Do you feel like you just got slimed and your joy has turned to sadness? So many people in this world (Christians included) complain about everything and when the words are spoken, the enemy has the right to taint all that are within earshot. So what does the Bible say about complaining? Does it improve your life when expressing your frustrations to others? Do you feel like you got a weight lifted off your shoulders, or do you feel just as heavy and clouded as ever? Unfortunately we are called to never complain about anything, to anyone, but rather to give all our cares of this world to the Lord. Suffering as unto the Lord will be honored by God, as long as we do not complain along the way, or else you could stay in that season a whole lot longer than you bargained for. Think about the Israelites and how much they complained after the Lord rescued them from the Egyptians as they had to wander in…