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Tag: deliverance
Monday, September 30 2024
BEELZEBUB COULD BE CAUSING YOUR STRUGGLE WITH FOOD Often people who have been hurt and wounded growing up struggle with overeating or eating food that is unhealthy. They turn to eating food as a comfort to their feelings of emotional wounds. They often also struggle with being tormented in their minds and thoughts by the spirit of Beelzebub. Beelzebub, is first mentioned in the Bible in 2 Kings as Baal-Zebul. II Kings 1:2 NKJV “Now Ahaziah fell through the lattice of his upper room in Samaria, and was injured; so he sent messengers and said to them, “Go, inquire of Baal-Zebub, the god of Ekron, whether I shall recover from this injury.”” The name is a combination of the words Baal, which means "Lord", and Zebul, which means "exalted dwelling". The Jews changed the name to "Beelzeboul" after the time of the Philistines, which means "lord of dung.” What happens when an animal eats their food and then excretes it from their bodies - it becomes dung. Then what attracts to the dung? Flies. The name Beelzebub comes from the Hebrew word Baʽal zĕbhūbh, which literally means "lord of flies". Beelzebub tempts people in the area of food with gluttony…

Sunday, September 8 2024
WHY ARE SOME PEOPLE WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT MEAN AS THE DEVIL? If someone who has the Holy Spirit is still mean as the devil it’s usually because they still have unforgiveness towards others, pride and unrepentant sin in their lives. Demons have legal rights to attach to your soul (mind, will & emotions) as long as you refuse to forgive everyone who hurt you from your heart. Jesus said in Matthew 18:21-35 that if you refuse to forgive everyone from your heart that you will be tormented. Demons will torment your mind giving you thousands of negative thoughts a day causing you to be angry, bitter, jealous, selfish, accusing, controlling, provoking, lying, being sexually impure and hurting people. They also cause you to be arrogant like Lucifer was before he was thrown out of heaven. People with demons hate to admit they need deliverance and will be very angry and oppose deliverance. Anointed deliverance minister Derek Prince confirmed that Christians need to get the Holy Spirit to help them to forgive, repent and get delivered from the demons in their souls which could take years until the person fully obeys the Holy Spirit, if they ever do. The Holy…

Wednesday, August 28 2024
SHOULD YOU LAY HANDS ON PEOPLE WITH DEMONS? Should you lay hands on people with demons and who are sick to pray for them to get healed and delivered? Should you allow others you don’t know lay their hands on you and can demons transfer from them to you? What does the Bible say? Luke 4:40-41 NKJV “When the sun was setting, all those who had any that were sick with various diseases brought them to Him; and He laid His hands on every one of them and healed them. And demons also came out of many, crying out and saying, “You are the Christ, the Son of God!” And He, rebuking them, did not allow them to speak, for they knew that He was the Christ.” Matthew 8:14-15 NKJV “Now when Jesus had come into Peter’s house, He saw his wife’s mother lying sick with a fever. So He touched her hand, and the fever left her. And she arose and served them.” Luke 13:11-13 NKJV “And behold, there was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bent over and could in no way raise herself up. But when Jesus saw her,…

Sunday, August 25 2024
THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BEING OPPRESSED OR POSSESSED BY DEMONS When a person is oppressed by demons they will hear demonic thoughts in their minds - which sounds like their own thoughts - often thousands of times each day (2005 - the National Science Foundation found the average person has 12,000 thoughts a day and 80% are negative). Some of the thoughts a person has from demons will be true because otherwise you would not believe them, but they will always twist something to get you to believe a lie in order to ultimately hurt you. The demons’ goal is to cause people to believe what they say which causes them to struggle with fear, anxiety, anger, regret, revenge, bitterness, condemnation, jealousy, lust, depression, mental disorders, suicidal thoughts, believing godly people are bad and to not be trusted and to believe ungodly people are good and are to be trusted. The demons want Christians to justify allowing sin to be common in their lives so they will stay walking in their flesh instead of changing to walking in the spirit. The demons ultimately want to take the person to hell by causing them to disobey the Bible and Jesus. The Lord…

Tuesday, August 6 2024
THE GENERATIONAL CURSE BREAKERS ARE BEING POSITIONED There are many who are emerging from toxic ungodly family lineages that the Lord has anointed to walk in holiness and righteousness to break the generational curses that your families have walked in for multiple generations. You have decided to no longer submit to demonic strongholds that have gripped your family for generations, you broke free from their addictions, lies, sexual perversion, witchcraft, control, manipulation, emotional, physical and sexual abuse. You have overcome the sins that enveloped your family members choosing to actually obey the Bible and walk away from your past fleshly desires and be delivered from the demons that have tormented your family members and walk in obedience to the Lord and you are now seeing the fruit of the spirit in your life (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control - Galatians 5:16-26). You are walking in humility and said goodbye to your former pride. You walk in sexual purity and said goodbye to lust. You feel alone yet the Lord is with you and when you walk in the presence of compromised people at church, work, family, and the marketplace, their demons notice you and…

Wednesday, July 31 2024
HOW TO KNOW WHO IS THE NARCISSIST AND WHO IS THE EMPATH IN A COUPLE It is very hard for the average public to know who is the narcissist and who is the victim / Empath in a relationship. Most people believe anyone who tells them anything - the narcissist knows that most people will believe everything they say and they are professional grade liars. - Narcissists will tell their false narrative first to as many who will listen and they will post on social media - they want to get their narrative out first in order to gain sympathy from as many as possible. Then they will continue to lie with additional false details to make the narrative cause even more to feel sorry for them as appearing like they are a victim. - Narcissists will say they are married to a crazy or abusive person and accuse their spouse of being a Narcissist often - Narcissists will tell you how they were a victim and cry many fake tears - Narcissists will act overly nice to as many people as possible - but it is fake nice - Narcissists must be in charge of everything and everyone -…

Sunday, July 28 2024
SATAN IS FINE IF YOU GO TO CHURCH AS LONG AS YOU DON’T GET DELIVERED Most churches sadly don’t teach people how to forgive all who hurt them from their hearts (Matt 18:21-35), having them repent for their pride and sin and getting them delivered from demons tormenting and oppressing their minds and bodies. When the religious spirits on leaders cause them to tell people they don’t need to truly repent and change from their sinful behavior, addictions and idols and just need to invite Jesus into their hearts then most people will continue to live a very compromised, sinful life. Deliverance changes everything in a true believer’s life - they change from living in their fleshly sin to walking in the fruit of the spirit in obedience to the Bible. Many can even have the Holy Spirit but will still listen to their demonic spirits oppressing their minds and thoughts and trigger emotionally in evil. It’s time for all true Christians to get delivered with the evidence of the fruit of the spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control), humility and sexual purity with no gossiping, lying or slander. Sin becomes rare in a true…

Tuesday, July 16 2024
WHY DEMONS DON’T LEAVE WHEN YOU ASK JESUS INTO YOUR HEART In Luke 13:5 Jesus said we must repent from our sin or we will perish - it never says to ask Jesus into our hearts. Repent means to turn from sin and change our behavior. Obey the Bible. Demons have many legal rights to torment people prior to when they make a decision to commit to Christ and they still have legal rights to torment them after they make a commitment to Christ, after they have been baptized and after receiving the Holy Spirit. Why? Why would they leave if they don’t have to? Demons attach to our soul (mind, will and emotions) until we truly forgive all from our hearts who hurt us and repent for our pride and sin and change to walking in the fruit of the spirit. The Holy Spirit is in our spirit and tries to help us get delivered from demons. According to Matt 18:21-35 Jesus says if we don’t truly forgive everyone from our hearts that we will be turned over to the tormentors. What torments people? Demons. Thousands of negative thoughts a day, causing fear, anger, anxiety, depression, jealousy, lust, control,…

Wednesday, July 10 2024
PEOPLE WITH DEMONS CAN’T STOP MANIFESTING AROUND GODLY PEOPLE People who are tormented by demonic spirits in their minds cannot control themselves from manifesting, especially when they are around truly godly people. They feel compelled to say things to control & manipulate, to criticize and judge unrighteously, as their pride is so strong that they cannot stop themselves. They feel justified because their demons tell them they are right and they need to tell others to do what they want. It’s similar to when Jesus was on earth and the prideful Pharisees seethed with anger, jealousy and hatred for Jesus - yet Jesus called them out. So many are unhealed church people who are self righteous and walk in false humility. Their demons within them cause them to not be able to simply behave with love and respect. They cannot resist their urges to say things to hurt people because they hear thousands of demonic thoughts a day and obey what they hear. They manifest on others and think they are in the right when they are totally in the wrong. You can often see it in their eyes as they get darker and their faces contort. The demons reveal…

Friday, July 5 2024
INNER HEALING & DELIVERANCE SAVES YOU THOUSANDS OF $ EACH YEAR When people get their soul wounds healed and delivered from demons they save thousands of dollars every year: -Sin becomes rare in their lives which saves a lot of money -Addictions for food, drugs, smoking, vaping, alcohol, lust and sex are removed which saves thousands a year -When you are delivered from pride you don’t feel compelled to over spend on your image with houses, cars, TVs, your looks, clothing, etc - You treat your spouse with love and respect, no more porn or affairs or prostitutes or STDs - so you have a healthy sex life of true intimacy - You are not jealous, selfish, evil, angry, depressed, or suicidal - you have peace which reduces stress and improves health - As you walk in much better health you don’t need to see doctors or stay in hospitals or be reliant on drugs - When people are delivered they are in their right mind so don’t need money spent on mental health, psychologists, psychiatrists or therapists - People behave in the ways they should so no one needs to go to court, hire attorneys to handle disputes…