Ahab Spirit Emotional Healings Jezebel Spirit Leviathan Spirit Peaceful Living Physical Healings Repentance Spiritual Growth


2020 and 2021 have been very busy years for God’s remnant warriors as they have felt much shifting, changes, uncomfortableness and movement while stretching their faith to new levels never seen before. Several have already moved to new cities, counties, states and locations that they never expected - while many more are now being prompted by the Lord to move to new locations where other remnant warriors are already positioned in order to help them to accomplish their assignments in Him. Many are also leaving their secular jobs and careers and moving into their ministry assignments and callings as the experiences of suffering that they endured over their lifetimes are now opening up doors to be able to help people who have been hurt deeply to be healed and delivered. Many “suddenlies” are happening where people who have the heart of the Lord and have gone through great soul wound healing, cleansing, humbling and deliverance can now be trusted by the Lord to go forth and help those in the church who are hurting. They are suddenly being re-positioned like Joseph away from their toxic family members and places of work into new places to live, and new positions of…


Most relationships have one person who takes on the same characteristics of Jezebel and the other person like Ahab in 1st and 2nd Kings. People get the Jezebel spirit because of being hurt growing up by their mom or dad or step parent or others or through sexual violations (viewing porn, touched, molested or raped). This causes them to hear demons and they want their own way and to control their spouse and others. They then look for a partner to marry who they can control who is willing to compromise and tolerate their ungodly demands who will give in to them, which is the Ahab spirit. People get the Ahab spirit because they have a parent who gives in and compromises and aligns themselves with that spirit.  Ahabs have a comfort level with their spouse demanding their way in order to help get them what they want.  Ahab wanted Naboth’s vineyard but when he asked him to sell him his vineyard so he could turn it into a garden Naboth refused.  So Ahab told Jezebel that Naboth refused to sell him his vineyard so she got him the vineyard by coming up with a plan and sending it out…


I have done thousands of personal inner-healing and deliverance sessions for people since 2015 and am now seeing more and more people from the main stream church who are discovering that they have been dealing with a demonic issue in themselves, their spouse and children due to wounds from their childhood and are motivated to seeking out deliverance.  Like so many who grew up in the church and were taught that “demons cannot affect a Christian”, the truth is getting out that most all who would call themselves a Christians are dealing with demonic strongholds that started when they were hurt by their own father, mother or other people (emotionally, verbally, physically and sexually). So many are searching to get fixed from their past soul wounds so they can enjoy peace in their life and those who have sought out traditional counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, the medical community and pastors are simply not seeing the positive results they want in peace and good health.  So more and more of them are seeking out inner healing and deliverance ministers who help them see major positive changes in their lives through taking them through having them forgive those who have hurt them and…


It has been amazing to watch as the ungodly people in the world take control over anyone who chooses to try and live a godly life simply by threatening, yelling, complaining, and mocking them.  Sadly many in the church are living as corruptly and sexually impure as those outside the church as they hear the voices of demons which tell them they are hypocrites in their thoughts if they dare try to stand up for the rights of those who are choosing to serve Christ with their hearts and minds.  There are so many lukewarm Christians in the world. We know that God’s remnant of people who are truly choosing to live a bold and godly life like Christ is a small percentage of those who attend church, with real fruit of the spirit being evident in their lives. Galatians 5:22-23 NKJV “22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.” So many pastors have watered-down their messages to their congregants out of fear of the ungodly government edicts and desiring to keep their 501 (c)(3)’s intact hoping their tithers continue to make their donations.  No one wants to offend anyone with the…


Satan can first hurt us as soon as we are conceived when we are in our mother’s womb if our mom or dad didn’t want us, they wanted a child of the opposite sex, if a mom suffered much trauma during her pregnancy which caused fear or rejection, a witch or warlock cursed us in the womb, falls, verbal abuse between our mom and dad or anyone, premature births, C-sections and any challenging deliveries that would cause fear to our mothers which then would be inherited by their child.  Then once the child is born the enemy attempts to hurt it as much as he can from as many people as possible and situations. So we can get hurt in a myriad of ways in our lives such as: Having negative words spoken to us by anyone (which we ALL have experienced) Having a parent who was religious who spoke condemnation and was harsh without love Having a parent who controlled you in an unhealthy way Emotional abuse Physical abuse Sexual abuse including viewing porn, being touched, molested, raped, incest Growing up without a father or mother Religious abuse or control Satanic Ritual Abuse Bullying Enduring a Jezebel spirit attack…


Most Christians have been erroneously taught that when they ask Jesus to come into their hearts that they are automatically saved and cannot have demons affecting them.  This is when it begins for a person to then start pursuing the process of getting healed from their past soul wounds and delivered from the demons tormenting their souls. Unfortunately most Christians think they are good to go and just need to read the Bible and pursue the gifts of tongues, prophecy, etc but most will struggle to live a life evident of the fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) with love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  Most continue to struggle with fear, anger, sexual impurity, jealousy, strife, wrath, taking an offense and behave much like the world.  That is why church goers don’t look much different from the world.  It explains why the divorce rate is the same amongst those attending church and those who don’t attend. It explains why most churches are a mess. Demons can only affect a human if they have legal rights through sin, unforgiveness, anger, bitterness, generational curses, witchcraft curses, etc. The Lord looks upon our hearts and minds (Jeremiah 17:10) and if we…


When we grow up we will receive various wounds to our soul (our mind, will and emotions) from people such as our father, mother, step parents, grand-parents, relatives, siblings, neighbors, church people, law enforcement, etc.  We all receive wounds as some get hurt in smaller ways (negative words, ungodly behaviors, pornography, incest, etc.) and some in much larger ways (sexually molested or raped, physical abuse, being yelled or screamed at).  When we get wounded we will then have thoughts of our own but also thoughts from demons who will chime in to make sure you have some anger and bitterness develop towards those who hurt you.  The demons know that when you have bitterness develop that they will have legal rights to speak to you and then hurt you and cause you to have all kinds of issues with your relationships (spouse and children and others) and physical issues in your body (sickness and diseases).  Demons will tempt you to sin so you will get hurt more and develop various addictions (alcohol, drugs, smoking, sex, etc) and then make decisions that are to your detriment.  Pride will also have legal rights to enter you (the spirit of Leviathan in Job…


It’s time for people in the world to realize that demons are real and they affect people in their minds by giving them thoughts and trying to get them to say and do things to hurt other people.   And just because a person attends church, prays in tongues and prophecies does not mean that they have Christlike behavior, love and fruit of the spirit in their lives.  There are many who are modern day Pharisees who are filled with religious spirits, gossip and pride from demons because they have not been healed from their past soul wounds from childhood.  They are contentious, jealous, angry, bitter, selfish, sexually impure and lie on a daily basis.  Those who are healed and delivered will have the fruit of the spirit and good godly character and integrity and whenever they are around those who have evil intentions in their hearts will see those people manifest against them. That is why Jesus said he did not come for peace but for division. When you choose to get healed and delivered from your demons you will not be able to be in harmony with those who are listening to their demons because they will hate you…


I am seeing more and more pastors, ministries and church people every week who are talking about the need for inner healing and deliverance from demons. It is exciting to see that people are finally waking up to realize that to enjoy peace in their minds and health in their bodies requires that they come out of agreement with the demons tormenting their minds and bodies. When we give demons legal rights through unforgiveness, pride and sin (and others in our blood lines can curse us through their own statements and willing actions) then we will never enjoy peace and joy no matter how much Christian music that we listen to, how much we fast, pray in tongues or prophesy. In fact we may not even make it into heaven unless we get delivered from the demons tormenting us so that we can actually have some good fruit: Matthew 7:21-23 I Never Knew You 21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out…


There is nothing quite like true intimacy between two people in the context of marriage.  When one truly loves their spouse like Christ and wants to serve them, surprise them with their favorite coffee or music, make them breakfast in bed, take them on a picnic to a beautiful waterfall, mountain or stream, holds their hand on a walk in the park, go for a run together, walk on a beach, watching the sunset.  It is the simple things that mean everything to a person when another loves and cares for them and their heart.  When a person will sacrifice their own desires for another’s.  When their spouse listens to their heart and soul being shared and truly shows compassion and empathy. When one texts the other person that they love them which cultivates a feeling of genuine love. When a person loves and cares for them and treats them with respect during the day and week then it naturally leads to a beautiful intimacy in the bedroom that is everything that the Lord designed and is far better than anything Hollywood can produce. Unfortunately for most couples there is no intimacy between them because of past soul wounds on…

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