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Tag: demonic
Wednesday, September 13 2023
GOD GIVES US THE HOLY SPIRIT SO WE CAN GET DELIVERED FROM OUR DEMONIC SPIRITS So many Christians have been told lies that when they get the Holy Spirit that all demons have to leave them. They are told demonic spirits and the Holy Spirit can’t coexist in the same person. In reality most people still behave in ungodly and sinful ways after they “ask Jesus into their hearts.” It’s because they still need deliverance from their demons that attached to their soul. They still have sin that is plentiful in their lives, pride, unforgiveness, anger, sicknesses, gossip, lying and sexual sin. Sadly the truth is that most will still have more fruit of the flesh than they do the spirit after spending years in the church. Just because you make an initial decision to follow Christ (or “ask Jesus into your heart”) doesn’t mean that demons have to leave your soul (mind, will and emotions). In fact they won’t leave you as long as they have legal rights to stay. Why would they leave you alone if you are giving them rights to stay through unforgiveness, pride and sin? Derek Prince stated that some of the most dangerous people…

Thursday, December 15 2022
WOUNDED PEOPLE PROVOKE OTHERS TO STEAL THEIR PEACE When we get hurt and wounded growing up and aren’t able to forgive those who hurt us from our hearts then we will trigger on our current relationships. We will overreact, get angry, feel jealous, act like we are the victim, behave in ungodly ways, and then provoke and blame our spouse, children or others closest to us. Demons will give us thoughts to provoke people to cause them not to have peace and in order to get a reaction out of them. People who provoke others want their targeted victims to get angry and respond back in more hostile words or behaviors so they can point their finger at them and blame them instead of taking responsibility for initiating the attack. It allows them to have a level of satisfaction of controlling them to get them to lose control of their emotions and then blame them. The demons within them want the initiator of the attack to never admit that they started the fight and were the aggressor so then they can blame the responder for their reaction and portray themselves as the victim. Many who respond are exasperated because the…

Thursday, August 12 2021
I have done thousands of personal inner-healing and deliverance sessions for people since 2015 and am now seeing more and more people from the main stream church who are discovering that they have been dealing with a demonic issue in themselves, their spouse and children due to wounds from their childhood and are motivated to seeking out deliverance. Like so many who grew up in the church and were taught that “demons cannot affect a Christian”, the truth is getting out that most all who would call themselves a Christians are dealing with demonic strongholds that started when they were hurt by their own father, mother or other people (emotionally, verbally, physically and sexually). So many are searching to get fixed from their past soul wounds so they can enjoy peace in their life and those who have sought out traditional counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, the medical community and pastors are simply not seeing the positive results they want in peace and good health. So more and more of them are seeking out inner healing and deliverance ministers who help them see major positive changes in their lives through taking them through having them forgive those who have hurt them and…

Thursday, April 27 2017
So many wounds from childhood and generational curses cause physical infirmities today
When I first launched my Healing Rooms in October of 2015 at New Life Assembly of God in Noblesville, IN, I suspected that the reason many people did not get healed when receiving prayer was due to past generational curses and other demonic spirits that had a legal right to torment them. The Holy Spirit told me that the previous Healing Room that I worked at, which would not address any deliverance or breaking off curses, was not seeing as many healed due to not addressing the spiritual components first. So I let the Holy Spirit direct my sessions with people, and sure enough when it was brought to the person's attention that they had a Jezebel or Leviathan spirit operating or a generational family curse that came down the blood line, it made all the difference in the world. We would address it by having the person take their authority in the spirit and had them read the prayers in my book Restored to Freedom. They could then feel the spirits lift off of them and they immediately felt lighter, like heavy chains were broken off of them. They also felt tremendously peaceful for the first time in their…