Ahab Spirit Emotional Healings Jezebel Spirit Leviathan Spirit Peaceful Living Physical Healings Repentance Spiritual Growth


Have you ever thought about where your thoughts come from? A thought comes to you from three different places.  The Lord (Holy Spirit), the enemy (demons) or ourselves.  The enemy wants to trick us by giving us thoughts that we think are from ourselves and are the best.  The enemy often convinces us that we will be protected from getting hurt from others if we listen to him.  The enemy will give us thoughts that sound good but in reality will come back to hurt us here on earth but more importantly in eternity. The more that we are hurt when growing up and then later in life, the more we feel wounded and beaten down emotionally and can often trigger in angry ways.  Our souls have been wounded, which are comprised of our mind (thoughts), will (freewill) and emotions (how we feel and react).  When our souls are wounded we tend to get a lot of thoughts from demons whose voices sound similar to our own thoughts but will never give us true peace or love.  How many of us have been talked to harshly by someone (such as our father or mother, a boss, a colleague, someone on…

The main reasons why Christians struggle to have Christlike behavior and healthy marriages

Why are so many people in the church struggling to have peace and see the fruit of the spirit evident in their day to day lives?  Why are so many people living in either miserable marriages or experiencing painful divorces?  Why do so many people have sickness and disease in their bodies? Why are so many children angry at their church-going parents?  Why do so few people in church truly love each other like Christ? Romans 7: 4-25 New Living Translation 4 So, my dear brothers and sisters, this is the point: You died to the power of the law when you died with Christ. And now you are united with the one who was raised from the dead. As a result, we can produce a harvest of good deeds for God. 5 When we were controlled by our old nature,  sinful desires were at work within us, and the law aroused these evil desires that produced a harvest of sinful deeds, resulting in death. 6 But now we have been released from the law, for we died to it and are no longer captive to its power. Now we can serve God, not in the old way of obeying the letter of the law,…

Jezebel is being exposed everywhere!

As I have traveled around the US and Canada (and ministered to people around the world) since 2016 I see people becoming much more aware every day of the spirit of Jezebel (and Leviathan) and how it manifests in people.  It causes them to be controlling, manipulative, jealous, hateful, threatening, prideful, arrogant, lie, demanding, selfish, intimidating, critical, judgmental, and the psychological community calls them Narcissists.  They are absolutely the most challenging type of person to have any relationship with, especially to work for or be married to or to have as a parent.   People get affected by the Jezebel and Leviathan spirits due to growing up with pain from their mothers or father or step parents or being sexually violated by anyone.  As more people in the church and society as a whole have their eyes open to what has been going on in this world and the truth is revealed about just how evil that the demons cause people to be then we can finally expose the truth and get people delivered and save their lives and marriages.  Deliverance from the demons tormenting them in their minds comes when they have truly forgiven people who have hurt them…

Deliverance should be a part of every church in the world

As soon as a new believer comes into the church they should go through deliverance.  Existing believers should all go through deliverance.  How many churches do you know that offer deliverance services? Many of the larger churches offer some sort of counseling / psychological services and some of the smaller ones offer pastoral counseling to try to help people who are struggling with spiritual issues (ie demons tormenting their thoughts). A few offer inner healing services but unfortunately, very few offer services to actually impact a person's life through getting delivered and freed from the demons that are tormenting them every day. So many people think about deliverance from Hollywood's scary and glorified perspective. The Exorcist, Poltergeist, head spinning, vomiting, slithering like snakes and deep dark voices from beyond. Witches dressed up in witch hats over cauldrons, casting spells and hexes on people trying to kill them. I never wanted to have anything to do with deliverance.  The Lord called me into the ministry by default as I had to deal with some family members who got affected through various events in life that gave the enemy the legal right to torment them and then torment me.  I could not…

Think about where your thoughts are coming from

Have you ever thought about.....where your thoughts are coming from?  Most people don't.  They simply assume that all their thoughts....are their own thoughts.  When in reality our thoughts come from three places.  Our own, the enemy's and the Holy Spirit or the Lord.  Most people in this world do not hear from the Holy Spirit so their thoughts either come from their own or the enemy's.  But many who attend church and call themselves Christians also hear from the enemy, much more than they would think.  If you are walking in anxiety and fear much of the time in your life, then you are hearing from the enemy on a regular basis.  If you are angry and take an offense easily, then you are hearing the enemy whisper to you.  If you feel rejected constantly, then the enemy is talking to you. Think about it....you hear a thought that goes like this "Your husband does not love you like you deserve.....he is the reason why you don't feel loved....he argues with you all the time.....you deserve someone better....you need to divorce him and find someone who will cherish your heart and treat you like you deserve....your husband is the reason…

So many wounds from childhood and generational curses cause physical infirmities today

When I first launched my Healing Rooms in October of 2015 at New Life Assembly of God in Noblesville, IN, I suspected that the reason many people did not get healed when receiving prayer was due to past generational curses and other demonic spirits that had a legal right to torment them.  The Holy Spirit told me that the previous Healing Room that I worked at, which would not address any deliverance or breaking off curses, was not seeing as many healed due to not addressing the spiritual components first. So I let the Holy Spirit direct my sessions with people, and sure enough when it was brought to the person's attention that they had a Jezebel or Leviathan spirit operating or a generational family curse that came down the blood line, it made all the difference in the world.  We would address it by having the person take their authority in the spirit and had them read the prayers in my book Restored to Freedom.  They could then feel the spirits lift off of them and they immediately felt lighter, like heavy chains were broken off of them.  They also felt tremendously peaceful for the first time in their…

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