Ahab Spirit Emotional Healings Jezebel Spirit Leviathan Spirit Peaceful Living Physical Healings Repentance Spiritual Growth


EXPERIENCE IS THE BEST TEACHER OF DISCERNMENT I’ve experienced many people operating in the spirit of Jezebel and other spirits and each one became a higher level, more deceiving and cunning one trying to deceive me. A wife, a witch, a fake millionaire, a pastor, friends, people in other ministries. Every time I was connected with a person operating in the spirit of Jezebel and other demonic spirits I would learn more of how they would operate and become wiser of the enemy’s tactics. Then the Lord would bring me a new one who would allow me to learn even more. Every one was a lesson in being able to discern deception and how the enemy worked at a greater level. The wisdom that I gained from those experiences have helped me to help thousands around the world to understand why people behave in ways that are mean and ungodly (especially those who call themselves Christian and try to appear to be godly yet are evil, lie and make up false narratives with selfish and evil intentions in their hearts). It has helped so many who have been married to people who abused them and why they do the things…


Let’s face it – there are more people wearing spiritual (and physical) masks today than ever before.  So many people who attend church regularly, teach, prophesy, pastor, lead worship, and are in ministry act like they are the most godly, loving, compassionate and holy people in the world yet they behave in ways behind closed doors that are totally ungodly and God would have to say “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness (sin)!”  I get calls and emails every week from pastors or pastor's wives and others who would call themselves Christians asking me to help them because their wife or husband emotionally abused them for years and worse and they just cannot take it anymore. It is so hard to know who is legitimately a godly man or woman and who is involved in more sin than ever because of how good people are at acting nice. Its called being a fake Christian and there are millions around the world who attend church regularly. The enemy knows his time is getting shorter and has been infiltrating God’s church for many, many years.  Satan is gearing up for the final war against God’s remnant and…

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