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Tag: emotional healings
Monday, July 6 2020
Billions of people on earth just want to have a good relationship where they are loved and have their needs met but unfortunately many of them self-sabotage their own relationships and don’t even see it. The enemy blinds them in seeing what they do that creates strife and friction between them and their loved ones and has them blame all the issues on their spouse or children or other friendships. As long as you give them everything they want or obey their every command then they will get along with you – but as soon as you defy their demands then you will get an earful. So what are some of the ways we ruin our own relationships? Jealousy – unfortunately many people ruin their relationships because they have unhealed soul wounds from their past and do not know who they are in Christ and the enemy convinces them that if their spouse glances at another person from the opposite sex or has healthy interactions with someone from the opposite sex then they get triggered and will go off on their spouse verbally. They feel like they are going to lose their loved one because when they were growing up…

Thursday, June 4 2020
How should you handle emotional abuse in marriage & relationships?
How should you handle emotional abuse in marriage & relationships? Emotional abuse in marriage is unfortunately more common than people would want to think and is also equally as challenging to decide just how to address it and with whom. Most times when two people get married for the first time they expect their partners to love on them and to allow them to make decisions that bring the greatest level of satisfaction to them. They both expect to be able to do whatever they want to do that will bring them the greatest level of enjoyment. Often times shortly after the wedding (and some times longer) one of the spouses will usually place demands to make most of the decisions in the marriage and begin to control and manipulate the other spouse who usually has more of a giving heart. Over time it begins to cause the spouse who is being controlled to feel less valued, dominated and no longer feel loved. The more demanding spouse wants even more control, will behave very proudly and talk more condescending with disrespect to their mate. Eventually the controlled spouse will feel sick to their stomachs frequently because of the consistent arguments…

Friday, April 7 2017
The Impact a father has on a child is life altering
When a child grows up without a father or with a father who is not involved in their life or is harsh and critical to a child, the ramifications of what occurs can be devastating for a lifetime. I have ministered to thousands of people around the world and have seen the fallout from what happens when children received wounds in their hearts from a father that never unconditionally loved and cherished their children. It is important to think about what occurs inside the mind of a child when feeling rejected by their father. The enemy begins to whisper to the young child in their minds telling them that they cannot be protected by their father. That they cannot trust their father. So they must begin to protect themselves. This causes the child to turn inward and believe a lie that all people are like their fathers and they cannot trust anyone. They begin to live a life based in fear. They must control their circumstances around them. They begin to manipulate others in order to get what they want. They often have an unhealthy sexual selfishness that develops where they either want to have sex in a demanding…