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Tag: favor
Thursday, November 11 2021
2020 and 2021 have been very busy years for God’s remnant warriors as they have felt much shifting, changes, uncomfortableness and movement while stretching their faith to new levels never seen before. Several have already moved to new cities, counties, states and locations that they never expected - while many more are now being prompted by the Lord to move to new locations where other remnant warriors are already positioned in order to help them to accomplish their assignments in Him. Many are also leaving their secular jobs and careers and moving into their ministry assignments and callings as the experiences of suffering that they endured over their lifetimes are now opening up doors to be able to help people who have been hurt deeply to be healed and delivered. Many “suddenlies” are happening where people who have the heart of the Lord and have gone through great soul wound healing, cleansing, humbling and deliverance can now be trusted by the Lord to go forth and help those in the church who are hurting. They are suddenly being re-positioned like Joseph away from their toxic family members and places of work into new places to live, and new positions of…

Wednesday, January 31 2018
Are you limiting God from being able to bless you?
Do you like to receiving blessings and favor from the Lord? Do you like connections that God makes for you divinely without having to call anyone to make it happen for you? Do you like to be surprised by checks in the mail, walking in divine health from the Lord and having peace 24/7? Do you like to be blessed with an all expense paid vacation to a tropical paradise in the middle of winter? Who doesn't love that kind of life? Yet many of us are living lives that block the blessings and favor from occurring due to wounds in our souls from others that have hurt us where we still have unforgiveness, bitterness, anger, jealousy, pride, controlling / manipulation and even what would be considered operating in witchcraft, even though we have attended church or have operated in a ministry for many years. When we operate out of a wounded soul we do things that are of the enemy and not of God. We are not pure and righteous before the Lord and when we are hearing the enemy whisper to us in our minds, we do things to others that are not good. We betray confidences out…

Monday, April 17 2017
The Jezebel spirit causes people to manufacture favor with other people
People who are afflicted with the Jezebel spirit will try to obtain favor through trying to become close friends with those of influence and power over other people. They often times will give them gifts (money, clothes, necklaces, bracelets, etc.) so that they feel obligated to them. This allows them to operate in their ministry / church with protection over themselves, while controlling and manipulating other people within the ministry or church. Jezebel affected people will also try to speak words of flattery to those in authority (you are so anointed, God's favor is all over you, you are amazing, I am so fortunate to be in your ministry or church, etc). The spirit of Jezebel is very cunning and sly, very hard to perceive by those on the positive receiving end. But they are not altruistic in their behavior behind the scenes. They wreak havoc in the lives of others. Spewing their poisonous venom over everyone that they can control and manipulate. Man's favor is only temporary and cannot stand up to the test of time. If a person is lying and treating others poorly behind the scenes, eventually it all comes to light. Then they are exposed and…