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CAN SATAN GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WORRY ABOUT? According to a 2005 study by the National Science Foundation people have 12,000 or more thoughts a day of which 80% of their thoughts are negative. 95% of their thoughts are the same thoughts they had the day before. Most of these thoughts are coming from demons that speak to your mind. They want to cause you to be in fear, anxiety, worry, discouragement and more so they can hurt you. So what happens if you hear negative demonic thoughts every day telling you things to get you worried and then you continue to ruminate on them over and over again and actually believe what you are hearing will come to pass. Can Satan give you what you worry about? It happened to Job. In Job 1:5-19, Job had fear: He was afraid his children had sinned and would curse God in their hearts and was afraid he could lose all his possessions as a result. As we discover in subsequent verses, Job's fear gave Satan rights to attack him as God removed the hedge of protection around him. Job lost his children, got sickness and lost his possessions. His friends accused…


Have you ever thought about why you do what you do?  Why do so many people who attend church treat their spouse and children and others who don’t do what they want, badly?  Why do people sin sexually?  Why do some people drink a lot of alcohol or smoke or overeat?  Why do people trigger into angry and violent people?  What are some people calm, loving and honest while others rage, hate and lie?  Why are some people fearful and anxious while others are always at peace? We behave the way we do because of what happened to us when we grew up.  If we were born prematurely we will usually be afraid to be alone later in life.  If our mom had a scary birth process or was yelled at a lot by her husband or the father of the child, then the child will usually have fear and anxiety.  If we were shown porn or touched sexually when we were a child we will struggle with sexual purity later in life. If we felt rejected by a parent when we grew up then we will feel rejected easily by our friends or spouse if they say something or…


In 2020 I have done many inner healing and deliverance sessions with people who were involved in traumatic births of the person as a child.  Traumas such as car accidents on the way to delivery, unexpected Caesarian sections, challenging births that caused fear in the mother, premature births, etc.  In all cases the child has grown up struggling with fear and anxiety and if the child did not have close physical touch with their mothers then they struggled with feelings of rejection and abandonment throughout their lives as an adult causing them to have challenges in their relationships with their spouse and other people. When a child is born under duress the enemy gains legal access to torment the child with fearful thoughts usually for the rest of their life.   Many of them experience up to 50-60,000 thoughts a day of which 80% of the thoughts are negative and 95% are repetitive of the day before according to the National Science Foundation study of 2005.  All of the children who are born prematurely without close connections to their mothers have experienced strong rejection and abandonment issues later in life as the demonic spirits whisper in their minds constantly and cause…


Each week another more evil, sinister and sly plan is released around the world by evil leaders, in our countries, states, cities, towns, and churches.  People are focused on COVID-19 while they are missing the much bigger picture of those who are in evil high places as they try to take away more of our freedom and life from people who are healthy and Christian.  Little by little they want to control more and more of our lives, trying to instill fear over something that has a 98% cure rate.  There are many people who are reporting that they were contacted by their health clinics and informed that they tested positive for the COVID when they never actually stayed to get themselves tested as they had to leave since the wait took too long.  Other states are reporting exceedingly high numbers of positive results that are actually false and manufactured to make look much worse than it really is.  Now they are trying to force everyone to wear masks that are not effective to stop the virus as indicated on the boxes.  The next thing they will try to do is force people to take a vaccine that would infect…


Unfortunately most people in the world have an inaccurate viewpoint of God and how much He loves them and they also do not have a healthy godly fear and respect for Him.  There are not many churches who preach a balanced message on both as most either preach an ALL love and no fear of God message, or an ALL fear and no love from God. Most people will say that God loves them but are conflicted as what love actually is based upon how their own father or mother treated them when growing up and what the church taught them. If a child was not loved unconditionally from their own father or mother then it becomes very challenging to believe that God really loves them unconditionally and not based on their performance - but just because He is love.  Many children were actually hurt deeply by their own dad or mom growing up because of their parent’s own wounds when they were growing up.   When a child gets wounded growing up the enemy begins to torment them in their own minds with voices that cause them to have fear, anger, sexual impurity, pride, control issues, and many other challenges. …

The symbolism of my 3-hour Denver hike with the bull snake, 3 fish and the prairie dogs

So last night I returned to Denver from tending to the funeral of my oldest brother Keith from Indiana. I love to go for runs, walks and hikes and the weather was perfect in Denver this morning for a long run, walk and hike on a trail that I had not ventured on before. I went about 90 minutes in one direction towards the Rocky Mountains. On my way out I noticed something I had never seen on any of my hikes before that were not around any body of water (stream, creek, river, pond, lake, ocean). I saw 3 large fish that were about 18-24 inches long. It seemed strange to me as the nearest stream, creek and river was over 10 miles away and there were no ponds around that would hold fish that large nearby as I was near the high point of the area. I then hiked another 90 minutes and realizing that I did not bring any water with me, decided to return as the temperatures were warming. I had noticed a sign warning me about rattle snakes in the area that I was hiking in. About half way back to home I saw a…

Don’t worry…..be happy!

For many people, worry and fear is a constant state of life.  They worry about their children, their spouse, their finances, their job, their health, and on and on it goes.  Worry is fear based, which is a spirit of the enemy.  The enemy whispers to you in order to get you on his territory so that he can torment you to never enjoy peace in your life.  Peace should be normal for every Christian but we know so many in the church who call themselves Christians, who are are fearful everyday.  They think about what could happen that could be bad.  They come up with many scenarios how they could lose their home or farm, how they won't have enough money to pay for their bills, how they may lose their spouse if this or that happens. It is so critical to be aware where your thoughts are coming from.  Anything that causes you to fear, worry, become angry, take an offense of otherwise lose your peace, is always from the enemy.  FEAR stands for False Evidence Appearing Real.  The enemy is real and will whisper to you in your mind and if you do not shut him down,…

Overly Controlling People are controlled by fear

Over the past two years I have ministered to thousands of people around the world who all have struggled with similar issues.  They have grown up with the lack of unconditional love from a parent (usually a father) which affects them in dramatic ways for a lifetime.  Why does the lack of love from one's parents have such a huge impact on a child and their relationships throughout their life? What is the driving force that causes them to have limited peace in their lives?  What causes them to have significant strife in their lives that counseling never seems to address? When a young child grows up with a father (or mother) who is not there for them emotionally, the child will hear the enemy whisper to them that they are not wanted.  They will feel rejected.  A spirit of rejection then continues to whisper to them in their minds causing them to believe that they cannot trust their parent (and later is transferred to their spouse and others in their lives so they do not trust anyone, but themselves). If a parent treats their child with more harsher treatment, such as critical words, manipulative control, yelling or otherwise abusive…

People who grew up in fear feel compelled to control other people

I have ministered to thousands of people around the world who have had challenges with feeling compelled to control other people in an unhealthy way.  Anytime someone feels they have to control another person in an unhealthy manner it is always based out of fear.  The enemy whispers to them about various fear based thoughts to cause them to control other people who they have relationships with.  Then they end up sabotaging the very relationships that they are so desperate to maintain.  And it all starts when the person grows up in a family where their father or mother did not protect them or love them unconditionally. A typical scenario is a little girl who grows up either without a father involved in her life, or a father who did not love her unconditionally and may have been critical or emotionally abusive or worse. The more pain she grew up with, the more impact that pain will have over her, causing her to control based out of fear as she did not feel protected.  The enemy then starts to whisper to her when she is young, telling her that she cannot trust her daddy (because it is true). But then…

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