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Tag: freedom from demons
Thursday, May 13 2021
Most Christians have been erroneously taught that when they ask Jesus to come into their hearts that they are automatically saved and cannot have demons affecting them. This is when it begins for a person to then start pursuing the process of getting healed from their past soul wounds and delivered from the demons tormenting their souls. Unfortunately most Christians think they are good to go and just need to read the Bible and pursue the gifts of tongues, prophecy, etc but most will struggle to live a life evident of the fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) with love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Most continue to struggle with fear, anger, sexual impurity, jealousy, strife, wrath, taking an offense and behave much like the world. That is why church goers don’t look much different from the world. It explains why the divorce rate is the same amongst those attending church and those who don’t attend. It explains why most churches are a mess. Demons can only affect a human if they have legal rights through sin, unforgiveness, anger, bitterness, generational curses, witchcraft curses, etc. The Lord looks upon our hearts and minds (Jeremiah 17:10) and if we…

Wednesday, August 12 2020
So many people get hurt when growing up from their fathers, mothers, step-parents, siblings, grandfathers or grandmothers, aunts, uncles, teachers, pastors, friends, people and then struggle to live in peace or have healthy relationships the rest of their lives. And many of them attend church regularly. Just because a person asks Jesus to come into their hearts does not take away the legal rights of demons from continuing to torment their minds with demonic thoughts of fear, anxiety, anger, control, manipulation, sexual perversion, pride, arguing, striving, fighting, jealousy or rejection. Our souls are comprised of our mind (thoughts), wills (freewills to choose), and emotions. As long as we continue to harbor unforgiveness in our hearts and minds for those who hurt us deeply – the demons have legal rights to continue tormenting our thoughts and we will not be living a life of peace or joy. The National Science Foundation did a study in 2005 that found that the typical person could have up to 50-60,000 thoughts per day – of which 80% of the thoughts are negative and 95% are repetitive. Those are demonic thoughts that continue to be given to you by demons and then you can’t turn…