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Tag: fruit of the spirit
Wednesday, September 28 2022
AN AUTHENTIC CHRISTIAN HAS FRUIT LIKE CHRIST The Americanized church tells us that all you have to do to be saved and go to heaven is to say the prayer to ask Jesus into your heart without going through the process of forgiveness to those who sinned against you and deliverance from your own pride and sin. Interestingly even Wikipedia states: In religion and theology, salvation generally refers to the deliverance of the soul from sin and its consequences. The truth is that when we make a decision to become a Christian like Jesus then we need to actually end up having similar fruit like Jesus had. Of course if we die the day after we decide to serve Christ then we don’t really have time to show our fruit just like the thief on the cross next to Jesus. But for everyone else who has been attending church for years our fruit of our lives should be closely aligned with Jesus if we are authentic Christians, understanding it’s a process of sanctification. In order to have similar fruit to Jesus in our lives we need to do what Jesus did and that is to forgive everyone who ever sinned…

Wednesday, May 19 2021
Have you ever thought about why you do what you do? Why do so many people who attend church treat their spouse and children and others who don’t do what they want, badly? Why do people sin sexually? Why do some people drink a lot of alcohol or smoke or overeat? Why do people trigger into angry and violent people? What are some people calm, loving and honest while others rage, hate and lie? Why are some people fearful and anxious while others are always at peace? We behave the way we do because of what happened to us when we grew up. If we were born prematurely we will usually be afraid to be alone later in life. If our mom had a scary birth process or was yelled at a lot by her husband or the father of the child, then the child will usually have fear and anxiety. If we were shown porn or touched sexually when we were a child we will struggle with sexual purity later in life. If we felt rejected by a parent when we grew up then we will feel rejected easily by our friends or spouse if they say something or…

Monday, May 10 2021
The Lord looks at our hearts and minds and ultimately at what our daily fruit is. That is really the only way to know if a person is a real, authentic Christian or just a fake Christian in name only. How many people do you know who go to church regularly but still walk daily in pride, sexual sin, are controlling and demanding, selfish and mean? Jesus did not like the Pharisees and scribes because He knew their hearts were evil and they simply acted pious in front of other people to make them look like they were godly as their pride was strong. I used to think that people were Christians as soon as they asked Jesus to come into their hearts because that is what I was taught. But then I observed many church attenders (including many pastors or their wives and other leaders) who chose to live lives of sexual impurity, ungodly behavior, pride and wanting to control and emotionally abuse their spouse and children causing much damage. I learned why the divorce rate was so high amongst church attenders was because at least one of the two in marriage refused to own their evil behavior and…

Wednesday, May 5 2021
Have you ever known someone who is actively involved in doing good works for their church, community and the world yet treats their spouse, children, employees, members of a ministry or certain people in very harsh, controlling, condescending, gossipy and prideful ways? When you are the recipient of a person who treats you badly while seeing all the good works that they do – how does it make you feel? Do you feel like they are not the real deal – that they are simply actors or actresses who want the general public to view them as a great person all the while you have seen a side of them that is actually un-Christlike at the best and evil at the worst? How do you think God looks at people who play the role of a person who acts like they are very godly and giving but inside their heart and mind they are mean to those closest to them? Do you think He can see the truth of who a person really is? 1 Samuel 16:7 NKJV 7 But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for…

Tuesday, October 13 2020
Why do most people who attend church and call themselves Christians not walk daily in the fruit of the Spirit? Because they were wounded by people and the enemy when they grew up and now hear thousands of thoughts every day from demons. Hurting people hurt people because they are tormented by negative thoughts every day from demons that have legal rights to harass them because people have not truly forgiven those who hurt them from their hearts. They still have unforgiveness in their hearts along with anger and bitterness as the demons keep whispering thoughts to them to remind them of all the bad things that were done and cause them to be angry, jealous, hatred, have impure sexual behavior, etc. Their soul wounds have not yet been healed by Jesus so they are unable to truly behave like a godly and pure Christian. There are millions who attend church, teach, pastor and lead churches who have not had their soul wounds healed so they behave in their flesh like it describes in Galatians 5:19-21 and Paul states that they will not inherit the kingdom of God. Galatians 5:16-26 NKJV Walking in the Spirit 16 I say then: Walk in the…