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Tag: healed
Saturday, July 27 2024
YOUR PAST PAIN HAS QUALIFIED & ANOINTED YOU TO HELP OTHERS Many who have been greatly hurt in the past have some of the greatest and strongest anointings from God to help others to be healed from the very same pain and trauma. When we have obeyed the Bible and forgiven everyone who hurt us like Jesus did then God anoints us to help others who are going through similar wounds to learn how to forgive and heal. When we choose to forgive those who hurt us then it allows our sins to also be forgiven by God according to Matthew 6:14-15. You are able to understand why those who hurt you did what they did because they were hurt and wounded and had demons that tormented their minds and caused them to hurt you. Then God uses that experience to anoint you to help others to heal from the same pain you endured through forgiveness. Your past painful experiences literally allow you to minister to others who have been hurt and abused in similar ways. You have a testimony of overcoming to encourage others. You learn not to take offense when others try to hurt you today. You…

Wednesday, June 26 2024
WHAT CAUSES SO MANY PEOPLE TO TRIGGER & HOW TO GET HEALED Triggering means you overreact to something that is really not that significant but you really feel that it is. Maybe you explode on your spouse if they make a minor decision to do something that you don’t agree with because you feel like they are controlling you which you actually were controlled by a father or mother growing up and couldn’t make your own decisions. Maybe you feel like you can’t trust your spouse and go off on them multiple times a month even though they have never done anything to cause you to feel like you can’t trust them but when you were a teenager your boyfriend or girlfriend cheated on you and you never could forgive them. It’s because when you were a child you were hurt and felt like you couldn’t trust, felt unprotected, were controlled, felt angry, hurt, bitter, rage, jealous, rejected, betrayed, etc and then when something today feels like the same thing to you then you will trigger on the person who is causing you to feel the same way. You may hear voices in your head or feel it inside. You…

Tuesday, May 14 2024
MANY HAVE HEALTH ISSUES THAT HAVE SPIRITUAL ROOTS Unforgiveness. In Matthew 18:21-35 Jesus talks about a parable of an unforgiving servant and explains that if we refuse to forgive others who hurt us then we will be turned over to the tormentors. Demons torment us in our minds and bodies. A study was done that showed over 60% of adults who had cancer was due to unforgiveness Pride can give you pain and sickness. In 2 Kings 5 Naaman had leprosy and had to humble himself to go into a dirty Jordan river to dip 7 times before he was healed. The spirit of Leviathan in Job 41 causes much back & neck pain, headaches, insomnia, confusion. Repent for pride and command Leviathan to go in Jesus name. Emotional abuse from your spouse or family members or work environment will increase stress and all kinds of sickness Curses on your family bloodline. Do you have any family members who were involved with the Freemasons / Shriners who declared curses over you? Do you have family members who chose to live ungodly and worldly ways? Break and renounce the curses. Witchcraft curses on you. If a witch or warlock gave you…

Thursday, April 14 2022
I gave my life to the Lord in 1974 at age 7. Received my prayer language in 1980 at age 13. But continued to struggle with fruit of the flesh. My deliverance began in September 2008 as I encountered the Lord strongly overnight and then enjoyed more and more freedom as I had a strong desire to become more like Christ with the evidence of the fruit of the spirit in my life. I saw my life transform suddenly as I no longer struggled with the former fruit of the flesh. I desired to live in sexual purity, humility, and righteous living. I had a love and compassions for all people and was able to no longer take an offense when others did me wrong but was able to forgive them. Deliverance at its simplest form means that you are no longer under the control of demonic spirits nor find any satisfaction in fleshly desires. You no longer desire to pursue a sinful lifestyle as you know it leads to things that are opposite of Jesus like lust, anger, bitterness, vengefulness, pride, sexual sin with the evidence of sickness, broken relationships and all the consequences from that type of lifestyle…

Monday, June 8 2020
Matthew 4:17 New King James Version (NKJV) 17 From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Many Christians around the globe have been crying out for revival for many years. Unfortunately the main issue is that without true repentance we will not be able to see lasting revival and that starts with the church leadership. We need to see church leaders who humble themselves before the Lord by repenting for their sins and pursuing righteousness in their hearts, and living a life of holiness. When people grow up they get wounded in their souls by their mothers, fathers, step parents, siblings and others. They get sexually violated, emotionally and even physically hurt. Every time we get hurt by other people our soul gets wounded and then demons are able to legally attach to us by tormenting our thoughts. Then when we get married and relationships we tend to get into arguments and strife with the person we initially used to love. Then we become married and miserable and often go through a divorce and then get remarried and unless we get our soul wounds healed and delivered from the demons tormenting our thoughts,…

Monday, February 3 2020
How to heal your soul wounds so you can love like Christ
What are soul wounds? We are made up of three parts. We are a spirit that has a soul and we live in a physical body. Our souls are comprised of our minds, freewill and emotions. Both Satan and God want our souls. We have a freewill to choose to serve God or Satan. When we are hurt growing up then demons have a legal right to attach to those wounds. The demons then give us thoughts in our minds and remind us of the pain that we went through, the injustices, the violations, the rejections, and when we listen to them we will not be at peace. We will have challenges sleeping at night as the enemy torments our thoughts. We will make bad decisions that will hurt us and others. We will have more fruit of the flesh then fruit of the Holy Spirit. We have to discern which thoughts are from the enemy and which are from the Lord and reject all thoughts coming from the enemy. 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 New King James Version (NKJV) 3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling…