Ahab Spirit Emotional Healings Jezebel Spirit Leviathan Spirit Peaceful Living Physical Healings Repentance Spiritual Growth

Getting Physical Healing Through Deliverance of Spirits

This past weekend I was able to participate in a launch of a Healing Rooms at Deeper Life Church in Redondo Beach, CA as well as to connect with people at Bethel Church in Sanger, CA and in a personal home in Fresno, CA. I really enjoy working personally with people because I love seeing the Holy Spirit get to the root of the issue to dislodge what needs to be done from a spiritual perspective instead of immediately praying for physical pain like I was initially trained on by a church that did not follow the Holy Spirit. When I first opened up my own Healing Room back in October of 2015 the Lord told me to always get insight on what was going on in the person's life by first getting a word from the Holy Spirit. The reason was that often times the pains were being caused by the enemy spirit and were not due to a fall, car accident or other physical trauma. So what I do is ask the Lord for a word and then I speak out what I hear. I have found that the Holy Spirit knows exactly what needs to be done…

How I grew in my anointing for miracles and healings through prayer

In 2013 I began to receive more confidence in my authority to step out and pray for other people and began to see healings in others’ lives.  Interestingly, I saw many that I prayed for healed from scoliosis and back pain at a very high success rate which was an issue I had to personally overcome in my own life. One day I got a call from a lady who lived somewhere in Indianapolis and said she felt led to call because she had found my ministry website www.restoredtofreedom.com. The woman said she could physically see demons in her home and they would get on top of her in bed and grab her arms and dig their claws into her forearms and also harass and scare her seven year old daughter.  I was very excited to take on some demons because I felt I was getting stronger in my authority and was finally up to some real challenges.    The woman put me on speaker phone and I listened to the Lord and He told me exactly what to say to command the demons to be gone from her home in Jesus name and she saw and felt them all…

My awakening to how we can all walk in Divine health

A couple of months after my son was set free from 10 years of torment, I told my mentor that I felt led to start reading some Christian books and asked which ones he would recommend.  He said the top book was a very short read called The Believers Authority, by Kenneth E. Hagin.  I told him I had not heard of the book and was very excited to start reading it.  He said that it would give me a solid base to receive revelation into my Spirit about my true authority in Jesus Christ. John 14:12-14 NKJV “12Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My father. 13And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.” I had read that scripture several times before, but I never truly believed that we could actually do the same things that Christ did because I hadn’t experienced it. At least I never believed I could actually…

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