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Tag: heart
Wednesday, May 5 2021
Have you ever known someone who is actively involved in doing good works for their church, community and the world yet treats their spouse, children, employees, members of a ministry or certain people in very harsh, controlling, condescending, gossipy and prideful ways? When you are the recipient of a person who treats you badly while seeing all the good works that they do – how does it make you feel? Do you feel like they are not the real deal – that they are simply actors or actresses who want the general public to view them as a great person all the while you have seen a side of them that is actually un-Christlike at the best and evil at the worst? How do you think God looks at people who play the role of a person who acts like they are very godly and giving but inside their heart and mind they are mean to those closest to them? Do you think He can see the truth of who a person really is? 1 Samuel 16:7 NKJV 7 But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for…

Tuesday, December 8 2020
Have you ever thought about why you do the things that you do? Why do you spend the bulk of your time working at the job / career or ministry that you are at? Why did you marry or divorce the person that you did? Why do you do what you do in your leisure time? Why do you eat the foods that you do and not eat other foods? Why do you exercise or not exercise each week? Why do you read the Bible or don’t read the Bible? Most in the world simply try to get through one day in order to get to the next day but rarely think about why they do the things they do each day. They usually justify that the reason they work at an unfulfilling job is because they need to make money so they can buy things to live or provide for their family. When I think about why I do the ministry that I do (trying to help people get healed from their past soul wounds and delivered) - it is because I lived through some personal pain that was deep and want to help others to be aware of…

Thursday, May 3 2018
Healing Your Heart After You’ve Been Jezebelled
So many billions of people in this world have been Jezebelled by a person that they loved and never knew what hit them. Their fathers, mothers, siblings, spouses and friends. They truly loved these people and instead were treated in ways that simply did not make sense. They suffered through a childhood with a father who either was never in their lives, was critical of them or abused them emotionally, physically or even sexually. They had a mother who controlled and manipulated them driving them away instead of loving them (which caused their Mother's Day to remind them for the rest of their life just how much they were hurt instead of receiving unconditional love). They were married to what they had hoped was their Prince Charming or Cinderella and instead were lied to, cheated on, stolen from and abused in ways that they don't ever want to talk about as the pain was so deep. Being Jezebelled is one of the worst pains a human being can endure. When you are controlled, manipulated, and lied to by a person with a huge pride and ego and you endure the relationship for sometimes years and years receiving the same abuse…