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Tag: immunity over spiritual warfare
Wednesday, October 28 2020
When you choose to serve Jesus Christ you will experience attacks from the enemy. The more that you choose to do for the Lord’s Kingdom the more attacks you will endure. The more lives that you choose to reach for Jesus the more attacks the enemy will bring to you. It would be easier to take if the attacks just came from those in the world but when the attacks largely come from people within the church then it becomes more challenging to take. When people who attend church lie about you, come against your character, betray you, and come against the godly things that you are doing then it becomes more challenging. I had never wanted to do full time ministry until in January 2009 at a Morris Cerullo convention I received words from the Lord from three prophetic people. They were all indicating that I would be in charge of some kind of ministry that would help many people around the world. I then told the Lord that I didn’t care what I had to endure – that I wanted to impact the most people as possible for Christ and if I had to go through hell and…