Ahab Spirit Emotional Healings Jezebel Spirit Leviathan Spirit Peaceful Living Physical Healings Repentance Spiritual Growth


Ready or not – it’s time – evil is upon us and God’s people need to step it up and start confronting in boldness, truth and love – no matter how angry people might get and how much spiritual backlash we receive from the enemy.  Too many people for too long have simply given the reins over to ungodly people to control.  Those who threw the biggest fits in order to get their way usually had others give in to them in order to try to shorten their temper tantrums and keep the peace.  Unfortunately God's people allowed the enemy to take over our government, schools, churches, Hollywood, health care and most every other organization over the recent years.  So to reverse all the evil that has been going on for way too long it will require God’s people to stand up to people operating with evil demons to reverse many years of perverseness and corrupt tolerance of living. The spirit of Jezebel causes people who have been hurt in their pasts growing up to desire to control, manipulate and dominate other gentler people, especially in the church.  They have a lot of pride and know if they just raise…


Truth be told – if everyone was truly honest – they would tell you that they just really want to be loved by someone without condition.  The challenge in life is finding someone who is able to do just that.  So many people have been hurt by their father or mother (or step parent or have had sexual violations) and have not had their past soul wounds healed and demons delivered from tormenting their thoughts so will trigger on their loved ones constantly as they are not able to love unconditionally.  Usually the more gentle-spirited people end up drawing to those who struggle more with behaving controlling, manipulative and being more harsh and prideful (called the spirit of Jezebel).  So they get used and abused in their relationships and never know what it is like to have peace with someone who actually loves and cares for them. Then those who have more of the effects of the spirit of Jezebel (Narcissist) will blame their own bad behavior (which ruins their own relationships) on their victims and hurt them even deeper and many of their victims never recover.  Their victims loved them as much as anyone could but it is never…


Since March of 2020 the world has dramatically changed and those who would claim to be Christians are being tested like never before.  The level of persecution is increasing from typical casual conversations that we have had with friends or family to social media comments on our posts.  The enemy knows his time is getting shorter and Christ is coming back for His pure and spotless bride.  Going forward through the rest of 2020 is going to get even tougher for those who stand up for Christ then it is right now as we will be tested, persecuted and hated like never before. There is a distinct difference between those who claim to be followers of Christ and those who are actually living every day producing the fruit of the Spirit in their lives and having boldness in their walks.  The Lord looks upon our hearts and minds and knows if we have any good fruit or not.  Those who have truly forgiven all who have hurt them and walk in humility, holiness and righteousness are the true bride of Christ.  They have the fruit of the Spirit evident in their lives every day.  Galatians 5:16-26 talks about people who…


As long as the enemy has legal rights to torment your mind with negative and evil thoughts (whether you have chosen to become a Christian or not) then you will never be able to truly change.   This is why when couples go to counseling and are told to love and respect their spouse better and behave more godly and loving…it rarely ever works.  They simply try to do better for a day or two and then slip back into the regular modes of striving and arguing because they keep hearing the enemy tell them they are right and their spouse is wrong and they have feelings of jealousy, rejection, etc. So what gives demons legal rights to torment people (Christians included)? So what gives demons legal rights to torment Christians?  Their souls (mind, will and emotions) have been hurt and they still have feelings of unforgiveness and pain in their hearts for people who have hurt them because the demons keep giving them negative thoughts every day, They need to have Jesus come to heal them and then once the legal rights are taken away they can command the demons to go.  So what are some of the ways that…


Let’s face it – there are more people wearing spiritual (and physical) masks today than ever before.  So many people who attend church regularly, teach, prophesy, pastor, lead worship, and are in ministry act like they are the most godly, loving, compassionate and holy people in the world yet they behave in ways behind closed doors that are totally ungodly and God would have to say “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness (sin)!”  I get calls and emails every week from pastors or pastor's wives and others who would call themselves Christians asking me to help them because their wife or husband emotionally abused them for years and worse and they just cannot take it anymore. It is so hard to know who is legitimately a godly man or woman and who is involved in more sin than ever because of how good people are at acting nice. Its called being a fake Christian and there are millions around the world who attend church regularly. The enemy knows his time is getting shorter and has been infiltrating God’s church for many, many years.  Satan is gearing up for the final war against God’s remnant and…


Unfortunately most people in the world have an inaccurate viewpoint of God and how much He loves them and they also do not have a healthy godly fear and respect for Him.  There are not many churches who preach a balanced message on both as most either preach an ALL love and no fear of God message, or an ALL fear and no love from God. Most people will say that God loves them but are conflicted as what love actually is based upon how their own father or mother treated them when growing up and what the church taught them. If a child was not loved unconditionally from their own father or mother then it becomes very challenging to believe that God really loves them unconditionally and not based on their performance - but just because He is love.  Many children were actually hurt deeply by their own dad or mom growing up because of their parent’s own wounds when they were growing up.   When a child gets wounded growing up the enemy begins to torment them in their own minds with voices that cause them to have fear, anger, sexual impurity, pride, control issues, and many other challenges. …


I have been amazed at how many people are shocked to having their eyes opened to learn the truth of just how much evil and corruptness there is in the world as it is now being exposed more and more.  When people call themselves “Christian” yet are abusive, controlling, lying, sexually perverse, and worse whenever they leave the presence of their church.  We have to look at the actions of people and not their words. The world is expected to be evil but those who are in the church who call themselves Christian yet are verbally abusive to their spouse, yell at their children, get drunk, behave sexually impure, live immorally, cuss, and lie every day. People are finally waking up to learn that the liberal news sources that they have been watching their whole lives (CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, even at times FOX) are lying to us and have been for years…it’s just been that during the last year it has gotten worse and much worse.  The enemy in the people who work for them has a very evil agenda in trying to control and manipulate them to hating things that are good and trying to portray things…


Since I transitioned into ministry in 2015 I have seen many people in the church who believe incorrectly that to be a loving godly person that we should try to appease everyone and say yes to most everyone’s requests so as not to offend anyone (which often turn to demands if the person doesn’t get what they want). Many churches have unfortunately bowed down to the squeaky wheel individuals who make the biggest stink if they don’t get their way in order to try to keep them happy (especially if they are larger tithers). The people who create the most havoc and get angry when they don’t get their way are usually operating from unhealed soul wounds which allow demons to control their thoughts. The spirit of Jezebel speaks to people who have been hurt deeply in their pasts and tells them to position themselves into positions of authority within the church so they can control as many people as possible and come against the true Holy Spirit and hurt the hurting people more.   I have seen many churches where the people who are the most controlling and demanding are used to getting their way because of their bullying…


You may have noticed that there are more people than ever before in the world who would be diagnosed as a Narcissist today. One Psychologist suggested as much as 50% of the world now. What does the Psychological community look for as symptoms that would diagnose a person as to being a Narcissist? According to the Mayo Clinic’s website: Signs and symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder and the severity of symptoms vary. People with the disorder can: Have an exaggerated sense of self-importance Have a sense of entitlement and require constant, excessive admiration Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it Exaggerate achievements and talents Be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate Believe they are superior and can only associate with equally special people Monopolize conversations and belittle or look down on people they perceive as inferior Expect special favors and unquestioning compliance with their expectations Take advantage of others to get what they want Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others Be envious of others and believe others envy them Behave in an arrogant or haughty manner, coming across as conceited, boastful and…


The enemy loves to provoke people every day in order to get them to lose their peace in various ways such as with fear, anger, jealousy, feeling rejected or lust just to name a few. The enemy knows where you are weakest in your broken soul and will target you there repeatedly through various ways hundreds and thousands of times over your lifetime unless you get your soul wounds healed by Jesus and command the demons to go that are able to attach. If you have an anger issue then he will irritate you with things that will cause you to get angry easily. He may have people say or do things that cause you to lose it. He may cause irritants during your day so that things don’t flow as easily for you as you would like so that you become frustrated and ultimately angry. Then he will usually give you thoughts to blame you for being too angry. If the enemy knows you were sexually touched or exposed to pornography when younger then he will tempt you with sexual, impure thoughts and images the rest of your life which then causes you to stumble over and over again…

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