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Tag: justice
Thursday, August 15 2024
DO NARCISSISTS EVER GET JUSTICE FOR THEIR EVIL FROM GOD? There is not much worse in life than being hurt and abused at extreme levels by a Narcissist that you loved. If you have ever had a Narcissist for a parent or been married to one or battled one in the church, it can cause you to be physically and emotionally exhausted, severely damaged, and never recover often walking in sadness and anger. When you love a narcissist they will have such contempt and hatred for you that it cannot be fathomed that such a person could possibly be so evil. Then when you finally have had enough of their extreme abuse and break free from them they will lie and tell everyone that you abused them and then you wonder if you will ever see justice from God come upon them as they seem to get away with all their lies and abuse. Many times you won’t see it for years but if they don’t repent they will always see justice from the Lord. The Bible says Ecclesiastes 3:17 NKJV “I said in my heart, “God shall judge the righteous and the wicked, For there is a time there…

Monday, May 6 2024
NARCISSISTS / JEZEBEL EVENTUALLY RECEIVE JUSTICE FROM GOD People who are Narcissistic (have the spirit of Jezebel), both men and women, who refuse to humble themselves or repent of their evil ways seemingly get away with their lies and abuse to their victims. Eventually though, they all will receive righteous judgment from the Lord as many have been given 40-50 years to humble themselves and repent and change. As they age they lose their attractiveness and will no longer have anyone who desires them. They have been hearing demons their entire lives and will eventually get turned over to their debased demonic minds as they never have peace. Many end up with delusional thoughts and paranoia and some end up with dementia as the demons destroy their minds. They have few to no friends at the end of their lives as they have all left them as they are tired of their pridefulness and being used by them for their own selfish ways. They eventually end up all alone. They never had true joy, peace or love in their lives. They become some of the most anxious and fearful people in the world because they hear thousands of demonic thoughts…

Thursday, September 3 2020
People who operate in evil (listening to demons and behaving in demonic ways) are filled with pride and think that they can control people forever and get away with more and more evil things. The prideful spirits in them (Leviathan – Job 41) cause them to do more outrageous behavior and come against godly people in ways that you would never even think to attempt let alone do. They are often conditioned to getting people to do what they want simply because they have always gotten away with it as they just have to throw an adult temper tantrum, yell a lot, have a personal riot, and then just threaten someone that they will lie about them to others or on social media or “expose” them to get their victims to bow down to their demands. It’s no fun to be the recipient of this demonic behavior but the less that you do to respond to their threats to cause fear or allow yourself to be controlled, the more God will do to protect you and help you overcome and be blessed while they will be cursed. Matthew 5:11-12 NKJV 11 Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you,…