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Tag: lesbian
Tuesday, December 7 2021
I have taken thousands of people in the church through inner healing and deliverance since 2015 in my ministry. All have been hurt and wounded growing up. Some by one parent or both, some by their step parent, relatives, neighbors or strangers. Everyone has been hurt by someone. Most through verbal or emotional wounds or abuse, some through physical abuse and many through sexual abuse, being violated, shown pornography, touched or viewing someone sexually. When people get their soul (mind, will and emotions) wounded then demons are able to gain legal rights to speak into their memories, their minds – into their thoughts. The demons will cause them to think things that are not true and entice them with visions. They will cause them to become angry, jealous, proud, sexually impure, and to do things that are not aligned with the Bible. There are many who attend church and are leaders in the church who behave much more in the flesh than in the spirit and hurt people instead of help them. There is a saying that “hurting people hurt people.” What does the Bible say about people who live more in the flesh than the spirit? Galatians 5:16-26…