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Tag: liar
Saturday, July 6 2024
NARCISSISTS BELIEVE THE LIES THEY TELL DUE TO THE VOICES IN THEIR HEAD Narcissists are professional grade actors and actresses and lie all the time even about things they don’t need to lie about that are insignificant. Their behavior is very secretive as they love the feeling that they know things that others are not aware of as it causes them to feel like they have one up on others. Like a secret agent…007. They have a very dark side of them that is evil, sinful and sexually perverse and they love to act like they are good or godly so people will praise and respect them. They hear demons telling them to do and say things causing them to believe they are the perpetual victim in relationships and they are justified in taking advantage of others. The demons will give them false narratives to repeat over and over again to get others to believe it to be the truth because when someone states something most people will tend to believe it to be true. So when the Narcissist repeats their false narrative again and again those who listen to them will believe what they say is the truth. Narcissists…

Wednesday, January 11 2023
DID YOU KNOW THE BIBLE SAYS NOT TO ASSOCIATE WITH FAKE BELIEVERS? Did you know that Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 5:9-13 not to associate with “Christian” believers who indulge in sexual sin (porn, lust, masturbation, fornication), are greedy (selfish), worship idols (putting anything before the Lord like money, power, sex, alcohol, drugs, smoking, gambling, sports, food, etc), are abusive (emotionally, verbally, physically or sexually), drink alcohol to excess, or cheats people and are sinning regularly. Sadly that describes a whole lot of people who attend church today. There are many believers who are living ungodly lives full of sin with fruit of the flesh and have no desires to change and get right with the Lord and obey the Bible. Paul actually says we are to have nothing to do with them. To not even eat with them and that we are to judge those inside the church who are living sinful lives and that we should remove the evil person from among us. “When I wrote to you before, I told you not to associate with people who indulge in sexual sin. But I wasn’t talking about unbelievers who indulge in sexual sin, or are greedy, or cheat…

Wednesday, November 29 2017
How do you handle a person with Jezebel who refuses to get free?
So many people around the world are finally getting set freed from the spirit of Jezebel (and Leviathan which always accompanies Jezebel). The spirit of Jezebel causes people to control, manipulate and demand their way over another person (their spouse, children, people in church, work, etc). They have a strong spirit of pride and arrogance and usually a sexually selfish side. Many marriages are being restored and families healed. But some people who finally have been made aware that they are operating in that spirit, have such a strong spirit of pride that they will deny they have it and refuse to get delivered from it. So what should you do? It depends what kind of personal relationship you have with them. If you are married, have a parent who has Jezebel, sibling, minister with them, or work with them or attend school. In most cases the short answer is to simply limit your interaction with them because you will have no peace with them if you do. They will either pull you in to them to feel sorry for them and cause you to spend an inordinate amount of time with them causing you to be pulled away from…

Wednesday, August 16 2017
Characteristics of the Jezebel Spirit
Listed below are some of the more common characteristics of someone who is suffering from the Jezebel spirit: They are usually charismatic in personality and very determined to get work and ministry projects completed no matter what stands in their way. They are natural born leaders that are driven to succeed and accomplish goals at all costs. If someone tries to steer them off course they will not be persuaded and will remove all obstacles from their path in order to complete the plan. Will see significant energy bursts yet also feel lethargic at times. When in solitude at the end of the day they feel exhausted and depressed due to all the tormenting thoughts from the enemy. Friends would view them as fun to be around as they are usually full of energy but once they are back home behind closed doors and alone they will feel tired and depleted when their restricted conscience (aka the true Holy Spirit) whispers to them the truth. Likes to be the center of attention and often times the life of the party – so when they come into a room full of people they love people to gravitate towards them…