Ahab Spirit Emotional Healings Jezebel Spirit Leviathan Spirit Peaceful Living Physical Healings Repentance Spiritual Growth


WHEN YOU CHOOSE TO SPEAK THE TRUTH EXPECT TO BE LIED ABOUT It’s not easy to speak the truth today because most people live in darkness, deception and sin and hate it when anyone exposes the truth about them. Jesus came and exposed the sins and hearts of the Pharisees and they hated Him even to the point of killing Him. It’s much easier to go with the flow and look the other way when people are doing evil things instead of standing up for truth and righteousness.  Many in families have parents who are choosing to allow sin to dominate their lives. Some even may go to church but still aren’t living with love in their hearts or righteously because their appearance of good means more than actually walking in love like Jesus. They often have one child who sees the evil, lies and deception the parents are living in and then call it out because they actually have a moral compass. That child is then treated with disdain like a scapegoat and blamed for every thing that goes wrong in the family. They are lied about constantly because the demons in them are angry at the child for…


When you finally break free from someone who has the Jezebel spirit they will turn to gossip & lies to others to control you. Gossip is designed to tell lies and distorted truth about a person in order to turn others against the person. The root cause of gossip is almost always, without fail, jealousy. The more successful, attractive, kind, self-assured, anointed, loving, godly, the more fruit of the spirit in your life, the more that jealous people will gossip in order to get others to believe lies about your character so they can try and stop you from accomplishing God’s plan in your life by getting people to pull away from you and believe you to be bad. Jealousy and control is a large part of the spirit of Jezebel as they want power and prestige as they have strong pride in their lives and can’t stand others to be more anointed, blessed and loved then them.  Most people who hear gossip never go to the person gossiped about to talk with them to understand what the real truth is. They just believe the gossip as truth and many want to believe it as the truth as they hate…


HOW TO RESPOND TO LIES, TWISTED TRUTHS & FALSE ACCUSATIONS What I have learned is that someone who is doing great things for God will always have those who are operating in the demonic (unhealed from their soul wounds or delivered) who will try to come against them  by trying to impact as many people as possible with spreading lies, rumors, gossip, twisted truths and false accusations against them. It is par for the course for all in the Bible who did great things for God. Remember Joseph whose brothers were jealous of him and sold him to the Egyptians and then he did great things for Potiphar only to have false accusations from his wife come against Joseph and he went to jail for 3 years before finally getting out and moving up to number two in command of all of Egypt.  Daniel was attacked by his fellow governors and satraps who plotted to kill him by creating a law that they knew could entrap him - yet they were ultimately killed by the Lions.  Remember Haman trying to hang Mordecai and other Jews but then he was ultimately hung on his own gallows. The best teacher is always…


It is truly amazing when you think about how many lies we believe to be true every day about situations and people.  We believe lies about people because we have been told information about people from people who have anger and hatred toward certain people that they can no longer control so they make things up to make other people to believe lies that are not truth to turn them away from their victims. I remember a woman in ministry told me once that she had a dream about me doing ministry with her in New Orleans.  This woman (Woman A) had a large following on Facebook in a group.  Another lady (Woman B) who had a similar ministry to hers was called a “Jezebel” and initially caused me to believe what she said about Woman B was true.  Later I observed that Woman A seemed very angry and wanted to “expose” many other people who had ministry to “take them down.”  I learned that Woman A lied about Woman B as Woman B was a very reputable person and had a ministry with great fruit.  Then later after I had to pull away from Woman A  due to her…


People who operate in the spirit of Jezebel love to spread rumors, lies, half-truths and partial truths about their victims in order to get other people to believe them as true.  They do this because they want to get as many people as possible to not listen to their victims or to not agree with them.  Sometimes they do this to get people to hate their victims which allows them to control them more and can cause negative circumstances for them.  All it takes is one person to believe a lie about someone else to cause them to go out of their way to try to convince more people of their lies.  But God knows the truth. Ahab wanted Naboth’s vineyard but Naboth would not sell it.  So Ahab pouted about it and then when Jezebel heard what happened she devised a plan to kill Naboth by lying about what he said to others and turn them against him. 1 Kings 21 NKJV Naboth Is Murdered for His Vineyard 21 And it came to pass after these things that Naboth the Jezreelite had a vineyard which was in Jezreel, next to the palace of Ahab king of Samaria. 2 So Ahab spoke to Naboth, saying, “Give me your vineyard,…


It is amazing to watch people’s eyes when they have believed something to be true that ultimately turns out not to be true, whether it is from a personal level, community level, state level or world level. They are in shock first, then angry at those who lied to them. It’s like when you are a parent and have believed one of your children over another. You may have taken action to give a negative consequence to the one you thought deserved it. Then later when you learn that your first child lied about their sibling – now you are really upset over the injustice that was done to the true victim. The enemy knows that when he can convince people that a person is bad when they are actually godly and good then that person will usually not be able to do much for God as people will turn away and shun them. The same principle happens when the enemy can convince people of an agenda that sounds good but it actually turns out to be bad for people. Then when the people actually become aware of the truth they get very angry at those who lied to them.…

The truth that is actually a lie of the spirit of Jezebel

The enemy knows if he can get enough people to believe lies about a godly person then the effectiveness of what the godly person is trying to accomplish for the Lord will be greatly diminished.  This is how the enemy works throughout the world is to create a false narrative, often about the character of godly people, in order to render them to be completely ineffective. The people who have the heart of the enemy within them also must appear to have a good heart with good intentions in order for their false accusations to be at least partly believed.  If the general populace know that a person has evil intentions then they will never believe the evil that they are trying to portray about the godly people could possibly be true.   For many of us it is like we are living a real-life spy thriller as we don’t know who we can completely trust.  Many times those with evil intentions will act like they are our best friends and even try to marry us but over time (sometimes a year or longer) we will finally start discerning that they do not have our best interests at heart and…

What to do when people believe lies about you

Jesus dealt with people believing lies about him.  Paul had to endure much criticism,  twisted thinking and even hatred from those who were unbelievers but even those who were supposed to be his friends.  It is par for the course.  When you choose to serve the Lord you will suffer persecution.  Its just sad when its "friendly fire" from people you thought were there to love and support you.  But even Jesus was denied by Peter three times.  Yet when Jesus came back from the dead He looked for Peter and affirmed him that He would build his church on the rock that Peter really was. So what are we to do when we are truly doing our best to do everything that God is asking us to do, yet people whisper lies about us to try to bring us down? What are you to do when you are loving people like Christ loved the church, and still they lie about you to others, separating long time friendships based on a false truth?  When you have laid your life down for others and died to your selfish desires and yet perhaps one person (who may have the spirit of Jezebel)…

People who operate in the spirit of Jezebel will whisper lies about you

The spirit of Jezebel causes people to behave in ways that cause those who are in relationships with them to suffer greatly.  Today I am focusing on just a couple of the ways that spirit causes people to do their damage.  Keep in mind that people who operate in that spirit hear the voice of the enemy at a loud level within their minds as it controls them like a puppet.  They started to hear the voice of the enemy when they received deep emotional (and possibly physical or sexual) wounds from their father or mother.  They could not discern between their own thoughts and the enemy’s voice.   One of the behaviors of the spirit of Jezebel within a person is that they will lie or tell people half-truths about another person who is their target (often times their own spouse but others who get in their way).  If you attend a church together with your spouse and they have Jezebel you will know if they have spoken lies about you to others in the church because those people will look at you with disdain, disgust and usually distance themselves from you so they will not have to talk…

What do you do if your loved one has the Jezebel spirit and does not want freed

I have ministered to thousands around the world who have struggled with the Jezebel spirit.  The Jezebel spirit causes people to behave very controlling, manipulatively, deceiving, and usually sexually selfishly in order to get their own way or in a perverted way.  By the time they come to me, most of them truly want help and within an hour they understand how they got the spirit (through deep father wounds and sometimes extreme mother wounds), and then I lead them through powerfully anointed prayers and the spirit leaves them and they feel amazing instantly for the first time in their life. But about 10-15% of the time, they do not want that familiar spirit to go, and so it will not have to go.  For you see, only the person that operates in that spirit has the right to command the spirit to be gone.  They have free will and if they desire to keep that spirit, it doesn't matter what words they speak from a book, the spirit knows they can stay if they do not truly mean it with their entire heart.  And then what happens is that they usually get worse in their desire to control their…

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