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Tag: life
Wednesday, March 28 2018
The Lord Wants To Restore Us To Enjoy Childlike Fun and Innocence
So many people have had the innocence of their childhood stolen by the enemy through a myriad of circumstances (lack of a father’s presence in the home, verbal / physical or sexual abuse, controlling mothers or fathers, sexually molested by a friend, family member or parent, loss of a parent). When a person grows up void of a healthy environment, the enemy is able to hurt them from the beginning and many go their entire lifetimes struggling to recover the innocence that was lost. Many struggle with healthy marital relationships, causing them to choose people who have demons who then torment them even more, causing divorces and having their own children to get hurt in the similar ways that they were harmed. There are few people in the world who know what it was like to grow up in an environment of unconditional love, joy and peace with healthy fun to enjoy a normal life. They never were able to laugh with their moms, dads and siblings as all they knew was arguing, strife and tainted love. They never were able to simply enjoy a walk in the park, bike riding on an adventure, swinging and playing with the true…

Wednesday, July 19 2017
The Lord wants you to enjoy adventure in life
Life is an adventure. We do not know exactly how each day, month or year will turn out. It is a series of seasons that we all go through. Some seasons are hard, tumultuous and scary. Some seasons are enjoyable and has fun surprises in store. But ultimately the Lord wants us all to trust Him the entire way and not get into fear, frustration or anger at any time. When we totally trust the Lord we can relax when we are going through a tough season of life, knowing that God is working all things for our good. In a real sense the Lord wants His children to take various adventures in their lives. In my own life I have gone from a regular corporate job for my entire career up until 2013 when I began to transition out from a regular paycheck to having to depend on the Lord to provide all of my income. It took several years for me to learn to completely trust the Lord and now i have no regular income to depend on. My only sources of income are from donations, speaking engagements at churches and conferences and home meetings, royalties from…

Tuesday, July 11 2017
Don’t worry…..be happy!
For many people, worry and fear is a constant state of life. They worry about their children, their spouse, their finances, their job, their health, and on and on it goes. Worry is fear based, which is a spirit of the enemy. The enemy whispers to you in order to get you on his territory so that he can torment you to never enjoy peace in your life. Peace should be normal for every Christian but we know so many in the church who call themselves Christians, who are are fearful everyday. They think about what could happen that could be bad. They come up with many scenarios how they could lose their home or farm, how they won't have enough money to pay for their bills, how they may lose their spouse if this or that happens. It is so critical to be aware where your thoughts are coming from. Anything that causes you to fear, worry, become angry, take an offense of otherwise lose your peace, is always from the enemy. FEAR stands for False Evidence Appearing Real. The enemy is real and will whisper to you in your mind and if you do not shut him down,…