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Tag: lying
Saturday, July 6 2024
NARCISSISTS BELIEVE THE LIES THEY TELL DUE TO THE VOICES IN THEIR HEAD Narcissists are professional grade actors and actresses and lie all the time even about things they don’t need to lie about that are insignificant. Their behavior is very secretive as they love the feeling that they know things that others are not aware of as it causes them to feel like they have one up on others. Like a secret agent…007. They have a very dark side of them that is evil, sinful and sexually perverse and they love to act like they are good or godly so people will praise and respect them. They hear demons telling them to do and say things causing them to believe they are the perpetual victim in relationships and they are justified in taking advantage of others. The demons will give them false narratives to repeat over and over again to get others to believe it to be the truth because when someone states something most people will tend to believe it to be true. So when the Narcissist repeats their false narrative again and again those who listen to them will believe what they say is the truth. Narcissists…

Tuesday, March 2 2021
It is truly amazing when you think about how many lies we believe to be true every day about situations and people. We believe lies about people because we have been told information about people from people who have anger and hatred toward certain people that they can no longer control so they make things up to make other people to believe lies that are not truth to turn them away from their victims. I remember a woman in ministry told me once that she had a dream about me doing ministry with her in New Orleans. This woman (Woman A) had a large following on Facebook in a group. Another lady (Woman B) who had a similar ministry to hers was called a “Jezebel” and initially caused me to believe what she said about Woman B was true. Later I observed that Woman A seemed very angry and wanted to “expose” many other people who had ministry to “take them down.” I learned that Woman A lied about Woman B as Woman B was a very reputable person and had a ministry with great fruit. Then later after I had to pull away from Woman A due to her…

Monday, November 16 2020
John 8:31-36 NKJV The Truth Shall Make You Free 31 Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. 32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” 33 They answered Him, “We are Abraham’s descendants, and have never been in bondage to anyone. How can You say, ‘You will be made free’?” 34 Jesus answered them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. 35 And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever. 36 Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. So many people are deceived from the truth and believing lies in the world about people. Satan caused the Pharisees and scribes to hate Jesus because He spoke truth about their pride and deceit and sin. So the demons in them lied about Jesus to get people to hate him and ultimately kill him. Jesus’ truth set people freed from their bondage from demons but it was their choice as they had freewill. Paul had many people who hated him for telling the truth about Jesus and salvation and had people lie about him to turn others away from his message and they attacked him…

Wednesday, June 3 2020
The truth that is actually a lie of the spirit of Jezebel
The enemy knows if he can get enough people to believe lies about a godly person then the effectiveness of what the godly person is trying to accomplish for the Lord will be greatly diminished. This is how the enemy works throughout the world is to create a false narrative, often about the character of godly people, in order to render them to be completely ineffective. The people who have the heart of the enemy within them also must appear to have a good heart with good intentions in order for their false accusations to be at least partly believed. If the general populace know that a person has evil intentions then they will never believe the evil that they are trying to portray about the godly people could possibly be true. For many of us it is like we are living a real-life spy thriller as we don’t know who we can completely trust. Many times those with evil intentions will act like they are our best friends and even try to marry us but over time (sometimes a year or longer) we will finally start discerning that they do not have our best interests at heart and…

Monday, January 15 2018
How to handle when people with Jezebel/Leviathan lie about you
What do you do when a person with the spirit of Jezebel and Leviathan comes against you that you are not married to? How should you react when they lie about you and hurt you deeply to your family or friends or church? Should you confront them directly and demand that they apologize to you? Should you block them on Facebook and never speak to them again unless they say they are sorry? It has been my experience that the best way to handle them is to go to the Lord and get insight from the Holy Spirit and respond accordingly. Unfortunately, most of us feel anger rise up in us (and the enemy is whispering to us loudly at that point) and we want to handle it in the flesh. Then you lower yourself to the enemy’s field and you will usually lose. Although every situation is unique, more often than not it is usually best to simply take it to prayer and give them to the Lord to do the correcting. If we get into a physical battle of words then usually the person with the Jezebel/Leviathan spirit will win because they are professionals at lying, denying, blame…

Thursday, November 2 2017
God is cleaning up His church and ministries around the world
Many who operate in ministries and churches throughout the world are those who are like covert spies sent by the enemy to come against true freedom, deliverance, peace, love and joy. They do just enough good works to keep people who do not discern in the spirit to not have an awareness to think it would be even remotely possible to believe that they are operating out of an impure heart. After all they are a leader in the church or ministry so they would not possibly be able to be in that position without the Lord’s blessing being upon them, right? Wrong. The actual truth is that many churches and ministries today are struggling due to having people within them operating in the spirits of Jezebel and Leviathan. Similar to the Pharisees of Jesus days, these people are simply desiring to appear godly with doing various works that look good to most people, but inside their hearts is a very deep and dark secret that they don’t want anyone to know about. They are controlling and manipulating people to do what they want to serve them selfishly instead of selflessly. They are desiring of increasing their own personal finances…

Thursday, October 12 2017
People who operate in the spirit of Jezebel will whisper lies about you
The spirit of Jezebel causes people to behave in ways that cause those who are in relationships with them to suffer greatly. Today I am focusing on just a couple of the ways that spirit causes people to do their damage. Keep in mind that people who operate in that spirit hear the voice of the enemy at a loud level within their minds as it controls them like a puppet. They started to hear the voice of the enemy when they received deep emotional (and possibly physical or sexual) wounds from their father or mother. They could not discern between their own thoughts and the enemy’s voice. One of the behaviors of the spirit of Jezebel within a person is that they will lie or tell people half-truths about another person who is their target (often times their own spouse but others who get in their way). If you attend a church together with your spouse and they have Jezebel you will know if they have spoken lies about you to others in the church because those people will look at you with disdain, disgust and usually distance themselves from you so they will not have to talk…

Wednesday, June 28 2017
How to choose a healthy mate who does not have the Jezebel spirit
There are billions of people on earth who are operating in the Jezebel spirit. They are charismatic, physically attractive, showing powerful leadership qualities and are attending churches while appearing godly, and yet are the biggest con artists out there. So how can you discern if a person is who they say they are and appear to be? How can you make sure that a life decision that is so very critical is not made into a huge mistake that could put your very life at risk? There are signs to look for that are very well disguised that you need to discern and not look upon the outward surface but to see in the spirit realm as to who that person really is behind closed doors. People who operate in the Jezebel spirit are Academy Award winning actors and actresses who can fool 98% of the people in the world into believing they are the most loving and caring people out there. They will do enough things for other people, especially in the church, to make you think that they are altruistic and giving, while operating in a deep, dark, sinister double life behind closed doors. They are the quintessential…

Monday, April 17 2017
The Jezebel spirit causes people to manufacture favor with other people
People who are afflicted with the Jezebel spirit will try to obtain favor through trying to become close friends with those of influence and power over other people. They often times will give them gifts (money, clothes, necklaces, bracelets, etc.) so that they feel obligated to them. This allows them to operate in their ministry / church with protection over themselves, while controlling and manipulating other people within the ministry or church. Jezebel affected people will also try to speak words of flattery to those in authority (you are so anointed, God's favor is all over you, you are amazing, I am so fortunate to be in your ministry or church, etc). The spirit of Jezebel is very cunning and sly, very hard to perceive by those on the positive receiving end. But they are not altruistic in their behavior behind the scenes. They wreak havoc in the lives of others. Spewing their poisonous venom over everyone that they can control and manipulate. Man's favor is only temporary and cannot stand up to the test of time. If a person is lying and treating others poorly behind the scenes, eventually it all comes to light. Then they are exposed and…

Tuesday, April 11 2017
The Jezebel spirit causes people to lie at a very devious level
I recently had met with a woman at a cafe who had been struggling with her marriage. She had grown up with deep rejection wounds from her mother and father. She had already suffered from three divorces and was in her early 30's. Her husband had reached out to me a few months earlier, desperate to help her get freedom from the enemy as she had behaved extremely abusively towards him during their short marriage. He loved her greatly, yet the spirits inside of her were extremely controlling, manipulative as well as verbally and physically abusive to him. In my conversation with her at the cafe, I had explained how when a child grows up with feelings of rejection, harshness, control and manipulation from a parent (or both), how the enemy starts to whisper to them that they are not wanted, they cannot trust their parents, and that they will need to trust no one in their lives. That they must be extremely controlling of their circumstances and get their own way on most everything. The enemy whispers to them constantly and torments most every decision, totally unaware to them. Their spouse receives the full brunt of their pain once…