Ahab Spirit Emotional Healings Jezebel Spirit Leviathan Spirit Peaceful Living Physical Healings Repentance Spiritual Growth


HOW NARCISSISTS MANIPULATE CHILDREN Following are how narcissists manipulate their children: Assigned Roles: Each child is given a specific role. The more empathetic child often becomes the scapegoat, blamed for everything that is negative, and they usually have a moral compass  Golden Child: One child often is treated like royalty, never disciplined, and groomed to become a future narcissist, believing they are special and loved. But this "love" is fake. Constant Supply: These children are manipulated to constantly meet the narcissist's needs, becoming a source of toxic energy. Distorted View of Love: Children learn to believe that "love" means being overly praised and then devalued. As adults, they often seek out narcissistic partners because they mistake this pattern for real love. Narcissists cannot love anyone so they control and manipulate them. They discourage independence, freedom and individuality.  Foggy Reality: Narcissists create a confusing reality through fear, obligations, and guilt. Ask any child of a narcissist, and they'll tell you these tactics were a big part of their relationship Parental Alienation: Narcissists often alienate the children from the kind parent. This can create deep confusion and a lasting impact, as a parent struggling for years to overcome this. Role Reversal: Children…


DEMONIZED PEOPLE PUSH YOUR LIMITS TO SEE HOW FAR YOU WILL LET THEM GO People with demons will slowly push your limits over time to see what they can do to make you submit to their wills. People with a strong lust demon will push you sexually to see what you will let them do. At first they will try to talk to you to see if they can find out your interests and likes. Then over time they may try to do nice things for you to gain your trust. Then they will attempt to lightly touch you on your arms, back or hands and if you don’t resist they will know you are accepting them. Then later as your defenses break down they may try to hold your hand for a few seconds while talking about a subject you are interested in. If you allow that then later they may try to hug you. As long as you allow them to slowly shift the limits they will keep pushing for more over time to see what else you will allow them to do. Which can lead to kissing and eventually sexual interactions. This is called limit testing.  Many…


MANIPULATING PEOPLE WITH GUILT IS A FORM OF WITCHCRAFT  When people try to make you do what they want which is not what God wants then they will often resort to making you feel guilty to control and manipulate you into doing their will. God never controls us through guilt as He gives us a freewill to choose to serve Him or not so people who try to control others to do whatever they want and not what God wants are in rebellion to God and the Bible says rebellion is as witchcraft in 1 Samuel 15:23.  So whoever tries to make you feel guilty understand they are not of the Lord and do not receive it. Do not allow them to manipulate you by guilting you to do what they want. The Lord and Holy Spirit never causes us to feel guilty - they convict us lovingly if we need to repent or change.  People who try to control or guilt you are operating in a subtle form of witchcraft which the Bible also refers to as sorcery - which is a fruit of the flesh.  Galatians 5:19-21 NKJV “Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are:…


PRIDEFUL PEOPLE FEEL COMPELLED TO CONTROL & CORRECT YOU CONSTANTLY  Prideful people have demons and are some of the most self-righteous people on earth like the Pharisees. They are spiritually blind to see that they need deliverance from demons and hear thousands of voices a day telling them to tell others what to do because they are perfect. Their demons tell them that others just need to listen to them and their infinite wisdom all the while they have logs in their own eyes (Matthew 7:1-6). The demons convince them that they are hearing from the Lord and Holy Spirit when they are actually hearing from demons. They can’t just keep their mouths shut as the demons compel them so strongly so they end up hurting people all day long with their words and then wonder why no one wants to be around them.  They provoke and hurt people every day by listening to their own demons and then criticizing others, shaming and blaming them for things that are insignificant or even not true all the while thinking they are perfect and the salt of the earth. They have no fruit of the spirit but lots of fleshly characteristics. Galatians…

What are some of the behavior traits if a person has the Jezebel spirit?

So what are the common behaviors that people who have endured rejection, control, manipulation and emotional pain from a father (or mother)? What would a person exhibit towards their spouse, children or others in the work place?  Below is a list of some common traits and, if one is truly honest (and that is the key that the one reading this must be totally honest with themselves), they will probably identify with some or many of them. The more of the pain that they have endured in their life from a father that was overly controlling, rejecting, and hurtful or a mother that was void of unconditional love the more of the behaviors they will exhibit.  The more behavior traits that they exhibit the stronger the enemy spirit’s control of them will be and the harder it will be for them to admit they may have an underlying issue and the more challenging it will be for them to get free from the unhealthy control of the enemy. There is a continuum and some may only exhibit a few of the behaviors, thus the spirit is not as strong upon them although it could still be present and active.  If…

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