Ahab Spirit Emotional Healings Jezebel Spirit Leviathan Spirit Peaceful Living Physical Healings Repentance Spiritual Growth


GUILTING PEOPLE IS A FORM OF WITCHCRAFT  When people try to make you do what they want which is not what God wants they will often resort to making you feel guilty to control and manipulate you into doing their will. God never controls us through guilt as He gives us a freewill to choose.  People who try to control others to do what they want often cause others to be hurt and it benefits those who control. They are behaving in rebellion to God and the Bible says rebellion is as witchcraft in 1 Samuel 15:23.  So whoever tries to make you feel guilty understand they are not of the Lord and do not submit to them - have nothing to do with them. Do not allow them to manipulate you by guilting you to do what they want. The Lord and Holy Spirit never causes us to feel guilty - they convict us lovingly if we need to repent or change.  People who try to control or guilt you are operating in a subtle form of witchcraft which the Bible also refers to as sorcery - which is a work of the flesh listed in the Bible.  Galatians…


MANIPULATING PEOPLE WITH GUILT IS A FORM OF WITCHCRAFT  When people try to make you do what they want which is not what God wants then they will often resort to making you feel guilty to control and manipulate you into doing their will. God never controls us through guilt as He gives us a freewill to choose to serve Him or not so people who try to control others to do whatever they want and not what God wants are in rebellion to God and the Bible says rebellion is as witchcraft in 1 Samuel 15:23.  So whoever tries to make you feel guilty understand they are not of the Lord and do not receive it. Do not allow them to manipulate you by guilting you to do what they want. The Lord and Holy Spirit never causes us to feel guilty - they convict us lovingly if we need to repent or change.  People who try to control or guilt you are operating in a subtle form of witchcraft which the Bible also refers to as sorcery - which is a fruit of the flesh.  Galatians 5:19-21 NKJV “Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are:…


WHEN JEZEBEL CAN’T CONTROL YOU THEY LIE TO OTHERS TO GET THEM TO HATE YOU The Jezebel spirit affects both women and men. Revelation 2:18-23 says we are not to tolerate people who operate in it because they are evil. Jezebel does their damage through controlling and manipulating their victims to do what they want and not what God wants. They operate in a level of witchcraft. When their victims no longer submit or obey their demands they resort to controlling them through lying about them to others and devising a false narrative in order to get others to hate them and stop them from accomplishing what the Lord wants. Most people believe their lies because they are greats actors and actresses and will support Jezebel to hate on their victims to stop them from doing what the Lord wants them to accomplish.  In 1 Kings 21:1-16 Ahab wanted Naboth’s vineyard to turn into a vegetable garden. Naboth refused to sell it to him for he was giving it to his children. So when Ahab pouted about it Jezebel said she would help him get it. She arranged a banquet and invited Naboth to it under false pretense to honor…


I hear from thousands of people each year who have struggled through being emotionally, physically or sexually abused in their relationships, often times for much of their lives (marriages, fathers and mothers, step fathers, church leadership and those who attend, friends, etc.).  Most people who attend church who have been married have been preached to that God hates divorce and so feel like they must stay in a toxic, abusive relationships until death do they part.  Of course God hates divorce – but He also hates abuse which causes the victims to feel sick to their stomachs and often receive diseases and a slow death due to the unhealthy control, feel scared of their spouse and have to walk on egg shells every day while submitting to the demons in their spouse, parents or others.  Does God actually want you to stay submitted to a person whose demons are manifesting on you every day, verbally and emotionally abusing you for hours every day, causing you to feel worthless at best and suicidal at worst, dying slowly inside your body, soul and spirit every day and unable to do anything for the Lord?  Absolutely not.  And abuse does not have to…


Most people think that witchcraft is done by witches who wear tall black pointy hats, with green tinted faces and a wart, who cackle when they laugh and boil things like bats and newts in black cauldrons and cast spells on people and astral project to listen in on people’s conversations.  Yes there are some witches who could fit that description but there are far more who are doing witchcraft every day who look normal and are in leadership of most churches around the world as well as have their own ministries.  And many of them are also men. Truth be told – at the simplest level - witchcraft is when one person tries to make another person do what they want which goes against what God wants for them (sometimes in very subtle ways while others are more overt).  It is not loving or true freedom to try to make a person do what you want them to do when it ultimately hurts them.  Controlling other people to do what you want is done by both men and women and is witchcraft. Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2 Corinthians 3:17). The reason people control…

What are the behavior traits if someone is being affected by the Jezebel spirit?

So what are the common behaviors that people who have endured this type of life in youth exhibit towards their spouse, children or others in the work place?  Below is a list of some common traits and, if one is truly honest (and that is the key to this book that the one reading it must be totally honest with themselves), they will probably identify with some or many of them.  The more of the pain that they have endured in their life from a father that was overly controlling, rejecting, and hurtful or a mother that was void of unconditional love the more of the behaviors they will exhibit. The more behavior traits that they exhibit the stronger the enemy spirit’s control of them will be and the harder it will be for them to admit they may have an underlying issue and the more challenging it will be for them to get free from the unhealthy control of the enemy.  There is a continuum and some may only exhibit a few of the behaviors, thus the spirit is not as strong upon them although it could still be present and active.  If they exhibit many or most of…

So just who was Jezebel in the Old Testament?

So just who was Jezebel in the Old Testament?  It is important to know the history of the woman that took on the moniker for these insidious behaviors. Scripture References—1 Kings 16:31; 18:4-19; 19:1, 2; 21:5-25; 2 Kings 9 The spirits of control, deceit, seduction, witchcraft and murder which came against God’s anointed were operating in the world long before the woman who exemplified these spirits was born. The spirit of Jezebel is neither female nor mail as it is a demon. Queen Jezebel symbolized the combined capabilities of all these spirits better than anyone and thus naming this spirit after her was most appropriate. This scheming and evil woman with a history of murder truly represented the spirit that bore her name as by nature she was a most proud, immoral, manipulative and even murderous woman. She was a seductress, using all the ploys of a sensual woman trying to lure in her prey using all her methods both physically and emotionally.  Jezebel was rejected by her father and had a controlling mother. She was the daughter of Ethbaal, king of the Zidonians, and priest of Baal worshipers. The Phoenicians were an extraordinary race, and outstanding as the great…

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