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Tag: Moses
Friday, August 16 2024
THIS IS WHY YOU HAVE HAD TO WAIT SO LONG Why have so many who have received promises from the Lord had to wait and suffer for months and even years before they see their promises from the Lord manifest? During the times of waiting the Lord works on changing us to become more like Him. Removing pride, unforgiveness and being delivered from our fleshly sin and strengthening our integrity, endurance and steadfastness to not waiver and walking in the fruit of the spirit which ultimately prepares us to walk in our full calling and destiny in Him. Many are waiting on financial situations changing, healing manifesting in your body, relationships changing, and suffering and attacks being removed. Abraham had to wait 25 years after God told him that He would make a great nation come from him and that his descendants would be like the stars (Genesis 15). Sadly Sarah his wife got tired of waiting to get pregnant from Abraham so told him to get her maidservant Hagar pregnant, which he did and had Ishmael but then she was jealous and hated Hagar and Ishmael. Eventually 13 years later Sarah finally got pregnant by Abraham when he was…

Wednesday, July 8 2020
Today’s world tells us that we need to be bold, loud and aggressive and to demand our own way to make people give us what we want. That the weak will not survive and to get what you need you have to yell and throw tantrums to get people to fear you and bow down to your every request. To manipulate others to give you everything you want. To seduce them to getting them to give you what you desire. I see it in the church where people try to put guilt trips on those who have mercy hearts in order to get them to serve or give money. A spiritually meek person is not selfish or concerned with getting their own ways, ideas and desires. They are willing to put themselves in second place or last place and submit themselves to do God’s will and help others achieve what is best for them. They would rather help another person or group of people to succeed and lay their own life desires down for them. They do not need any spotlight or attention from thousands on social media to tell them how great they are or how beautiful they look…